Sunday, December 18, 2011

Happy Birthday To Kaiser

Yesterday was Tavin's birthday and today is his buddy's, Kaiser's, birthday. They are almost exactly a year apart. Kaiser and Koen are great buds, but it's fun that Tavin and Kaiser are now friends too. Tavin just this week has developed a name for him, "Kai-Ka." Kaiser gave Tavin a Christmas bracelet earlier this week. Every time he sees it he says, "Kai-Ka." So cute.

Anyways, this morning I remembered it was Kaiser's birthday. I was going to just send Kyndal, Kaiser's mom, a text, but then I had a better idea. Why not make Kaiser a video? So, here it is...

As you can see, Tavin is feeling much better. He actually has acted completely like himself from the moment after he was sick last night. He slept great through the night and had his normal energy level keeping up with brother and I all morning. Anyways, back to the video. Apparently, it was a huge hit with Kaiser. Kyndal said she was sure he would be requesting to watch it all day. Yay! Happy Birthday, Kaiser. The Melders love you!

1 comment:

  1. Kaiser and I are snuggling in bed and just watched this yet again. We love it! Koen, great singing, and Tavin, great job just looking so darn cute! :) You guys are such sweet friends! We are so thankful for you!
