Friday, December 9, 2011

Melder Christmas Tree 2011, Part 1

Today we got our Christmas tree!! Koen was so excited about it. He knew yesterday that after nursery school this morning we would get our tree before lunchtime and then decorate it after naptime. We did keep our plan despite the fact poor Tavin is very sick. He had a fever all night and was up a lot. He and I definitely did not get a lot of sleep. I'm actually a little worried he has something intense this time, but how to know? This morning he seemed OK at first, but quickly it became quite obvious he was still not feeling well at all. Here's a picture of him doing what he did most of our morning together snuggling, reading books and occasionally playing for a few minutes here and there...Doug was out all morning while Koen was at school, so he picked him up and then stopped back to get the little guy and I. Then we drove over to Morningside, a neighborhood closeby to get our tree. This is our third year getting our tree from these guys. They use an abandoned school front entrance to sell the trees they bring down from farms a little north of the city. We've been so happy with their trees and we love supporting the small town business they are running. Plus we love the urban feel to our Christmas tree tradition. Here's Koen scanning the trees for the best one (with his own little "tree" the guys working there gave him)...
Look at my sweet Tavin who rose to the occasion and wanted to get out of the car with us to look through the trees (of course blanket came to make him feel better).The minivan got its first roof rack task today. Worked very nicely (although Doug was so nervous about scratches, but the guys and Doug got the tree up there very gently and Doug managed to get it down easily as well).And here is the tree in the house all straight and lovely. Just wait until later and I post it all lit up and decorated. Can't wait!

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