Thursday, December 8, 2011

Little Drummer Boys

Today we had no big plans and I had a creative idea for once to hopefully keep Koen occupied. He's been really into the song, "Little Drummer Boy" this year. He first really enjoyed the song, but then he's also been watching the Veggie Tales DVD also entitled, "Little Drummer Boy" so he likes it even more now that there is a story explaining the song (it's actually a super cute DVD). So, a few days ago when Koen was watching the DVD I noticed a bonus feature that said, "make your own drum." Hmmmm....that sounds doable? Well, this morning I watched the brief feature on how to make a drum. I didn't have all the materials, but with some creativity (I mustered some up) I made it work. Coffee cans, construction paper, wrapping paper, bamboo skewers, corks and string. No problem. I got this.Koen was so excited when I told him about the craft he wanted to skip breakfast, but I told him there was no rush and so he made it through the meal. But we jumped right into it afterwards still in PJ's so as to not waste another second! Tavin wanted to be included and I was so happy that I had plenty for him to make one too (even though I got to make most of his).The boys decorated the construction that we glued around the coffee can. Koen loved that part. We used markers and sticky Christmas decorations.After gluing the decorative cover on the outside (Koen loved using glue and tape to secure it), we then used a patch of wrapping paper to improve the sound of the drum and sealed it under the lid. We also sealed some string under the lid so that the boys can wear the drums around their necks (under close supervision always of course). Ta da! A drum and a very happy drummer boy!!Here are 3 videos of the drummer boys. They are all short and pretty cute, so I thought I would just post them all even though they aren't super exciting. You can see though that Koen takes his drum pretty seriously (Tav isn't that into it, but at least he got to be included in the activity).

Since there was no rain today we headed out to the playground for some quick fresh air and outdoor exercise even though it was quite chilly. Koen, of course, brought his drum.Tavin was excited to push the stroller around, but it was evident soon after we got there that he was not feeling well. Poor guy.Koen's cold is much better, but Tavin has now caught it. We are probably in for several weeks of snot and coughing from this little guy now. I hope he might be through it by Christmas. Things just seem to churn in his system for weeks. We ended up staying about 30 minutes or so. We actually left more on account of Koen's behavior than Tav's health. Koen just doesn't listen sometimes or he listens and does exactly the opposite of what I ask showing complete disobedience. So frustrating. Not to mention a major pet peeve of mine: spitting. He loves it. But he is terrible at it and ends up getting spittle all over himself. I think that annoys me more. So, I think this weekend I will have Doug teach him how to spit properly. Maybe that will take the fun out of it. Anyways, it's gross. Ah, boys! I'll have to focus on the fun little drummer boy image not the spitting 4 year old!


  1. haha - i just love the videos of him drumming!! So cute :) I think Christmas season with kids that can talk [and sing Christmas songs!] will be my absolute favorite!!

    and yeah. i would not be able to handle spitting!

  2. Yes, there are perks to the tough age of 4 and Christmastime celebrations are definitely one of them. We are decorating the tree tonight. Koen is so exciting. I can't believe it, but he actually napped! More posts to come on Christmas fun!
