Sunday, December 4, 2011

Mild December Night

Well, Koen was better this morning and I had nursery duty at church, so we ended up going to both services. I was happy with the decision as I bumped into lots of friends that I hadn't seen in a while, not to mention the nursery was packed and they needed the volunteers. Also, Koen was high strung in the 40 minutes between when I got him up and when we left and I was thrilled we had something to entertain him all morning. It was one of those combinations of overly whiney and then super silly. Nice combo.

After church we had lunch and the boys had a little time to play before nap. Tavin fell right asleep, but Koen's cough was non-stop, so he never slept (not good!). He was so tired his eyes were all red. I let him get up and watch a DVD for awhile and then he played until we got Tavin up (who was chatting anyway) early and we all headed out into the fresh air. It was in the 50's and still light, so we walked to the playground. The boys weren't really interested in the equipment. They just wanted to "ride." For Tavin, of course, that just means that he pulls the wagon following brother on the bike.We didn't last that long out. Koen was obviously tired as he requested to go home by 5pm. We had a nice walk/ride/pull back and when we were almost home Koen and Tavin spotted Delia on the sidewalk with her grandpa on the sidewalk. They took off running, "D!" Delia's grandpa let Koen and Delia sit in his station wagon's backseat. They were so proud of themselves.A few minutes later we completed our walk home. I made the boys dinner while they played in the living room. Then we played piano and sang Christmas carols and more play in the living room until bedtime. Koen was so tired. I think he was ready for bed at 6pm. Tavin, on the other hand, is still chatting in his crib periodically for some reason. It's 9pm! Not really sure what's going on there. I have a sneaking suspicion that he's coming down with Koen's cold/cough, but I'm still trying to think positively.

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