Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Few Tavin Updates

I've got good news and bad news.  Let's start with the good news...

Tavin has begun his re-evaluation with Pittsburgh Public Schools who provides his on-site speech therapy at preschool.  The results that are in so far already disqualify him from needing Pittsburgh Public Schools' speech services in Kindergarten.  2 years ago I would've never thought this was possible as his speech issues were so complex and foreign to me and seemed like such a huge obstacle to overcome.  We are rejoicing that my fears are not our reality and instead Tavin, with the Lord's help, has been such a hard worker and has accomplished so much that he is at an age-appropriate level of speech (actually on the first part of his re-eval this week at preschool he scored above average!!).  Praise God!!

Ok, so now the bad news....

My poor, sweet Tavin has yet again gotten the worst version of the cold that hit the three boys last week.  It landed him with a cough that has just not quit (this is frequently a problem for Tav whenever he has a virus).  Today we headed out on some errands and soon afterwards it was apparent that something was really, really bothering him.  I rushed through my must-do's as fast as possible and got him home to find out he had a temp approaching 102.  I called the doctor and got a 2:30pm appointment for him.  Thankfully Doug was able to bust out of work and come home to take him to the appointment.  I had asked that he make sure that they knew of the duration of the cold/cough, please to check his lungs carefully for pneumonia or walking pneumonia and check his ears (he was complaining of ear pain).  Well, Doug didn't even have to mention the underscore of checking his lungs since with the first listen the doctor determined that Tavin has pneumonia.  Pneumonia!!??!!  Oh my goodness, I felt so awful.  Here I had this little trooper out and about running an errand this morning, meanwhile he must have felt so awful!  This isn't Tavin's first bout of pneumonia.  He had it at 6 months, but thankfully this time around it isn't as scary or severe (and does not include a hospital admittance!).  Doug sent me some pics from the doctor's.  Doug said he had to get Tav to do a frowny face about 6 times.  The sweet sick kid kept smiling by accident believe it or not.
Before they left, Tav had to have a breathing treatment.  
They left and went and got prescriptions on the way home.  Tav is on an antibiotic and then also an inhaler/breathing treatment.  Lord-willing these meds will get him back to healthy quickly and hopefully reduce his uncomfortable cough within 48 hours.  Good job hanging in there, Tav.  We love you and I look forward to just letting you relax and chill out around the house tomorrow.  No errands! =)

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