Friday, January 2, 2015

The End: (of Gramma & Grampa's Visit and of 2014)

This cozy, cuddly morning picture was from a few days prior to the wrap-up of the visit, but I had to share it because I forgot to squeeze it into another post and it just shows how pleasant and happy Penn was with his Grampa (and it was the same with Gramma) this visit.  Often if I interrupted him when he was having time with either one of them, he would say, "Mommy, doh" ("Mommy go").  He's come a long way and Gramma and Grampa LOVED it!  
Here's another kitchen picture my Dad took during the last few days of their stay.  These boys love their Grampa and ended up smiling quite well for him. =)  Big fans!
On December 30th, it was really, really cold.  But our boys needed to get out and Doug was a champ (as was my Dad) and they took Koen and Tavin for a walk/hike at Blue Slide Park in Frick.  
After their chilly outdoor playtime, they went out for Indian for lunch.  It was a new experience for K & T and for Grampa too and they were all big fans (my parents and Doug and I had watched "100 Foot Journey" the night before and so Doug had a major hankering for some Indian cuisine.  By the way, we highly recommend that movie...beautiful!).  Back at home, Gramma and I enjoyed a laid back (although productive on the side) morning with Penn Rye (i.e. bliss).  When the big boys got home, Doug turned right around to get he and Tavin a much-needed haircut.  This was going to be Tavin's first time getting a haircut from someone other than me, but it was time.  He was super excited and proud.  Doug sent me this shot from GreatClips.
The rest of the 30th was spent at home, hanging out, doing the usual.  Here's a snuggly picture of Grampa and Penn having some hilarious wrestles on the couch.  Quite a pair!
Doug and I did get to go out that evening with some friends for dinner (Root 174 in Regent Square...amazing!) after the boys were in bed.  So nice that Gramma and Grampa could wrap-up the lay down process with Koen and be here at the house so we could have that treat.  Thanks, Mom and Dad!  

December 31st was Mom and Dad's last full day with us and obviously the last day of the year (hence the post title).  We had another nice family day, mostly around the house (well, except that our car started making a terrible noise the night before and most the morning my Dad spent trouble-shooting the issue and then we found we had to take it to the mechanic...ugh).  The boys have just been soaking up time with their grandparents and it's been a delight to see.  This year I'm not as sad to see them go because I know that in about 6 weeks or less they will be back to meet Baby Boy #4 and help with K, T & P and then my Mom will stay awhile to help us acclimate to life as a family of 6.  It's much nicer bidding farewell to Christmas (my favorite holiday) and much easier saying goodbye to Mom and Dad when I get a baby and another visit from them in just a few weeks. =)  Anyways, we still made the most of our last day together, including that Mom and Dad let us pack into their minivan and chauffered us to the Troxell's for the annual New Year's Eve Party.  They dropped us off around 4:45pm and they headed out on a date in a closeby neighborhood.  We were the first ones to arrive at the Troxell's (Uncle Nate & Aunt Megan's), so things started slow and subdued.
But that didn't last long since there were half a dozen families of young children invited.  Things got loud, fun and a little crazy very quickly.  Nate & Megan are amazing to let their house be the setting for this rowdy NYE tradition!  Here's a glimpse at just a handful of kids planning their play up in the playroom.  As you can see, Pirates were a popular choice.
Penn kept really busy, really independently.  He spent probably 45 minutes playing on his own in the play kitchen.  He was intense about his work!
We celebrated "midnight" with Italy (which is why we had an amazing Italian themed meal).  Nate put a recording of fireworks on the TV for the kids.  They loved it and were screaming with each explosion.  Hilarious!
Also at the stroke of "midnight" (really 6pm EST), Uncle Nate passed out noise-makers (as if we needed more noise-makers than the ones under four feet tall!).  Brave man!

At one point, I overheard Tav talking with Alex and Jack, "Hey guys, we are buddies, right?"  Oh yeah, I had to get a picture of these three.  I said, "Ok, Pirates, say "arrrr"" and this is what I got!
As we were all getting into dessert, Mom and Dad arrived (I had let them know to please drop in and see the craziness and all our friends).  It was perfect timing too as we really needed someone to take the annual pictures.  Can you believe we all fit in there and that every kid is relatively happy??!!  Amazing!  This is the serious one.
This is the funny face one (I don't like doing funny faces, so I pretty much look exactly the same, I know, I'm lame!).
After the group photo, it was time to get ready to head home and get the boys to bed not too late.  Thanks to Nate and Megan for hosting this huge, fun party that is becoming quite the tradition to look forward to!!! Happy 2015 everyone!

Gramma and Grampa left early on the first day of the New Year.  Kind of a sad way to start 2015, but thankfully as I said before, they will be back soon.  Thanks so much for a great, memorable visit, Mom and Dad.  I loved having you here as always (and I know Doug and the boys did as well).  We love our Christmas tradition with you!

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