Tuesday, January 13, 2015

So Blessed

On Saturday I was showered with blessings when a few friends threw me a "Mother's Blessing" in anticipation of Baby Boy Melder #4's arrival.  It was such a special time...I was honored, humbled, encouraged and blessed by the thoughtfulness, generosity and friendship that was expressed.  It is such a blessing to have loving, close friends that are like family.  Several have known me both before and after having kids, others have only known me as a mom, but all are good friends and I was honored to have them there giving of their time and attention.  Not to mention, it was nice to spend several hours of a Saturday just hanging with some girlfriends, chatting and eating yummy food. =)  

Megan and Deborah (and Megan who then had to leave earlier than expected to go home to Africa) put the event together.  They were joined by Laura, Jen, Sarah and Allison.  There were a few others that were out of town and unable to make it.  Here's the group photo our server so generously offered to take of us!
Our luncheon was at Andora in Fox Chapel.  If you are looking for a great place for a small or big, intimate or enormous party, try this place.  It's a historical landmark because it was an old inn and they have rooms of all sizes available for parties.  It was such a neat place.  And the food was fantastic.  I highly recommend it.  Good job to Deborah and Megan for selecting it!

As I said, we (being ladies that love to spend time together) mostly enjoyed sharing a meal and chatting, but Megan and Deborah also had all the ladies share how they knew me and something to encourage me.  It's humbling and a little awkward of course to have people talk directly to you in such a complimentary way, but it was really encouraging to hear what stood out to them, what ways they've seen me grow as a mom and things that stand out in the way we do life.  It's no wonder the Bible talks about "building each other up."  It truly goes a long way to lift the spirit and soul.  

They also all totally surprised me with gifts.  I was not expecting that.  Megan had a fantastic idea for the gift theme.  She suggested that people bring items that would help the older 3 boys occupied these winter months after baby arrives.  Perfect!!  Everyone did such a great job with creative, hands-on activities.  I cannot wait to show them to the boys, but I'm supposed to save them for those moments when we all need something fresh and new as a distraction (which I'm sure will be about Day 3 after baby arrives).  I also received some very practical gifts (my personal love language!) of diapers, wipes and Target gift cards.  So generous!  

Ladies, thank you so much for throwing and attending my Mother's Blessing.  The name was completely accomplished...I am so blessed.  I'm blessed to be carrying this child, I'm blessed to be a mom amidst other women walking through this same season alongside of me, I'm blessed to be surrounded by friends that care so much for me to spend hours celebrating with me and showering me with gifts.  Thank you all for ministering to me in this way.  It was so fun to get all excited about this little one with you all in this way.  I cherish my friendship with all of you!

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