Friday, January 23, 2015

Sick Little Guys & Penn's 2 and 1/2 Year Appt.

After such a fun start to the week with Nana here and then a long morning at the Children's Museum and even some snow fun, we ran amuck mid-week with Tav getting hit hard with the cold virus Koen had that turned into an ear infection on MLK Day.  Then within 24 hours, Penn was showing signs of the cold too.  By Thursday morning it was official...the little guys were really sick.  Tav was majorly feverish, coughing up a storm and so uncomfortable.  Penn woke up coughing too, but the intense barking, croup kind.  I was already figuring I should take Tav to the pediatrician's office, so by 8:30am, I just decided to pack them both up and get them both looked at.  Penn was a miserable mess since he was too frustrated with breathing that he wouldn't let me give him Tylenol.  Tavin was awesome trying to be a good example to Penn at the doctor's.  It didn't help though.  Man, Penn just HATES the doctor.  He screamed through getting weighed and getting his temp taken under his arm.  It was pathetic.  Anyways, we survived the appointment and the boys didn't have ear infections (which was my concern since they had so much congestion and were complaining of ear aches and pressure).  So, we headed back home.  On the way, Tav gave up the fight and just started to completely melt down.  Poor thing.  When he gets hit with anything his body puts up the hardest fight and rages a fever.  He also always responds with the worst sounding cough of all 3 boys.  It's so sad.  He was begging to take a nap by 11:30am, so I let him.  He slept until 2:45pm.  Then he was totally downhill again only an hour or so later despite being on both Tylenol and ibuprofen, so he was begging to go to bed by 5:45pm.  He barely ate anything all day, but just wanted to crawl into bed, so I let him.  Turns out that little guy knows his body.  He slept almost 14 hours, not waking until 7:15am.  Amazing.  I was thrilled he didn't get up in the night and thankfully today he's been much improved.  Penn, too, did surprisingly well in the night (and he had a 3 and 1/2 hour nap yesterday afternoon).  He woke up super early because of his cough, but he let me give him Tylenol and change him and lay him back down and then he slept in until 8am.  Phew!  I was relieved that this pregnant momma didn't have to be running up and down the stairs all night for these sweet, little troopers.  

Poor Penn, today we had to go right back to the doctor's for his 2 and 1/2 year old appointment.  Classic!  I didn't want to cancel it since the baby will be arriving soon and I'm loving getting anything like this out of the way before that happens.  He, of course, totally lost it again when it was time for his vitals.  Even so, he weighed in at 28 lbs., 13 oz. (35th percentile) and he was 36 inches tall (48th percentile).  Thankfully although he has this cold, otherwise he checked out perfectly healthy.  Such a blessing every time we get that news.  We did chat with the pediatrician about his speech therapy, but since we are already pursuing that and aware of it, etc., it wasn't a big deal to update the doctor.  

Well, sorry no pictures.  Just a pathetic update on my poor little sickies.  Thankfully, Tavin has been rebounding today (although missed preschool and an afternoon at his Kindergarten for pre-K day because we didn't want to drain him or spread the germs).  Penn seems to be doing OK, not getting quite so pathetic as Tav, but he was very low energy before nap and has been asleep for 3 and 1/2 hours again.  Thank goodness these little guys have been able to sleep so well despite this obnoxious cough/cold!

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