Friday, March 9, 2012

Tavin & Mommy Make The News

On Tuesday when we were at Blue Slide Park there was a photographer from the Pittsburgh Trib there. He was snapping photos and then later came up to me and explained it was a slow news day and the Trib had sent him out on the town to find some pictures for the next day's news. Well, I guess Tav and I and our peek-a-boo was newsworthy because we made it into Wednesday's paper, or at least we did as Amy and Tavin Molder (if you can read the caption it misspells our last name). Oh well. Close enough.I unfortunately didn't buy a paper myself that day as it slipped my mind. So, it was so great today to find that Koen's preschool teacher had spotted us in the paper and cut out the picture and hung it up on the welcome board. They gave us the cut-out so I can put it in Tav's baby book. Making the news at 2, not too shabby. =)

1 comment:

  1. that is awesome! growing up, i lived across the street from the photo editor of the local paper. my mom and i had our share of "slow news day" moments in the paper. :)
