Thursday, March 8, 2012

Oakland Fun

With a rainy forecast and a Carnegie museum membership that is about to expire, I was motivated to get the boys out the door and into some dinosaur fun right away this morning. I did check the hourly forecast first though and we left as soon as we were ready, even before the Museum of Natural History opened in order to catch some outdoor playtime at Anderson Playground at Schenley in Oakland before the rain started. The plan worked marvelously. (Sometimes my plans seem great, but are actually highly over-rated in my mind once I put them into action). So, here are a few shots of the boys enjoying the breezy, but mild start to our day at the playground.Koen loved climbing all over the playground equipment trying to stay ahead of Tavin. It was a cute game. Tavin enjoyed spotting him here, there and everywhere and attempting to keep up.A little after 10am, the rain started and took the opportunity to bolt for the car and drive a few blocks over to the museum parking lot. In minutes we were inside the museum which wasn't very crowded thankfully. Since we've been here before we just visited our favorite areas. Tavin was so excited to see the dinosaurs. At breakfast he actually hurt Koen's ears saying, "Roarrrrr!" warming up for our outing. When he did it at the museum Koen said, "that is way too loud, Tavin!" If I could only get Koen to police his own decibel level like that! Here are my two explorers amidst the dinosaurs. Don't they look like they are lost in the jungle?As usual, the computer monitors were as big of a draw as the dinosaur fossils.Koen was very intrigued by a video that was streaming in one corner of the dinosaur section. It was not a very action-packed movie by any means, but I think he was genuinely intrigued by the subject matter about the dinosaurs and how they might have disappeared, etc. I was quite impressed (did I mention I was texting on my phone instead of paying attention?).Koen was really looking forward to digging for fossils. This time Tavin was very into it too. He even sort of wore the goggles. They were half over his eyes and half on his forehead. Koen lost interest pretty quickly, but Tavin wanted "more gogga?" He even asked it again when we left the museum later. Apparently, he know likes eye wear.We also visited the M is for Museum exhibit. Both the boys, in my opinion, are a little young to completely enjoy some of these exhibits. I look forward to visits here with them in elementary and middle school. But it was still a great visit, especially since I didn't care if we just did a few things that they could appreciate. So, next we headed towards the indoor "secret passageway" to the Carnegie Library at Oakland. Koen was excited to find it! We also found the lunch room on the way though and stopped for the boys to eat most of the snacky lunch I had packed. Then we continued on to the library. We probably spent about 45 minutes at the library. Tavin loves books right now. I can't keep up with him "reading" them. He demands, "more books" so quickly as I try to navigate the shelves for his favorites.Koen got to enjoy the special treat of some computer time. We went to where he enjoyed a coloring game. He's getting a lot better with the mouse and barely needed my help at all. I forget about the fact the computer is a fun tool (in moderation) for him to learn. I'll have to keep it in mind for future rainy days or moments when we need something new and intriguing.Well, we headed home a little before 1pm. It was a great outing. The boys were a little intense as we left the museum (I think everyone in the echoey corridor were happy to see us finally get out the door). But all in all, it was a wonderful morning. Plenty to keep their minds and little legs active. Thanks Oakland for a fun-filled day!

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