Friday, March 9, 2012

Potluck at Preschool

We had a very nice family day today. Doug to Koen to preschool this morning and he brought Tav along too. Then they headed out on some errands. This gave me time to get some chores done around the house and then I took a walk to Target. I actually had great luck there and found some awesome deals on some things the boys really needed and even two things for me. Yay! Doug and Tavin met me there (the sweetest running, "Mommy" screaming welcome ever from Tav). Then we all headed together to pick up Koen. Once we were all back in the car we headed to the Spaghetti Warehouse for lunch. Someone left Doug a gift card in his office. Such a nice blessing to have a little family date! After our yummy lunch it was time for nap. The boys were exhausted and took long naps. That worked out well because tonight was a fundraising potluck at the preschool. It was so fun to have special plans for after naptime. Koen was so excited to go to school "at night." Tavin was excited we all got to stay instead of drop Brother off. Doug and I continued to just be so impressed by Koen's preschool. They are so caring, the environment so inviting and the people all so friendly and committed to the community there. We are so thankful that the Lord led us to this school! We will miss being there next year, but have already applied for Tavin to attend in the school year of 2013-14. Here are a few pictures of the activities the boys enjoyed tonight...

Making centerpiece bouquets out of cups, pipe cleaners and colored tissue paper. They both loved it!Tavin got experimental with the supplies. He is definitely going to be more into crafts than Koen was at 2 and 3 with big brother already showing him how much fun it can be to create.Next the boys made bunny masks. Koen was very brave and let Doug actually tie his on. Tavin wasn't quite as bold, but he still loved coloring it and then carried it around saying, "Tavin's." (Well, really it comes out more like "Daddins."Tavin enjoyed getting to play with some of the preschool toys. He absolutely loved the toy microwave. It was a fun little thing, I'd never seen one like it. It made noises like a microwave and even had a plate spinner. He was so proud of himself.After our yummy potluck meal which the boys did so well trying several different dishes, Koen waited in line for a special balloon animal. One of his teachers was actually the balloonist and she is impressive! Look at what she made! A monkey climbing a tree. Koen named him, Maxi, after the stuffed monkey that is his class mascot.We got home a little past bedtime, so the boys crashed. Hopefully it'll be a family sleep-in day tomorrow. Koen seemed enthused about it. So, if Tavin goes along with it we will be thrilled! It was a great family day today. In my goodnight prayer with Tav I was just thanking the Lord for such a nice day with my boys.

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