Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Maiden Voyage of the Tricycle

With it being a gorgeous day, we had to head out again after naptime. Last night when Tavin and I took a stroll down our street we bumped into neighbors and their kids both had their tricycles out. Tavin was so envious and just wanted to ride them. So, tonight I thought I'd give him a chance to ride his birthday present finally. Koen got to ride his bike and I pushed Tavin along on his trike. Unfortunately, the trike is still too big for Tav. His feet don't quite reach the pedals at their furthest point and the stick I use to push doesn't have any steering ability which means that Tav is in charge of steering. It was a rough way to the playground, but eventually I figured out that I could tip back on the push stick keeping his front wheel off the ground and making steering a non-issue. I think he thought it was funny being slightly up in the air. And Koen asked, "why is Tavin doing a wheelie?" It saved my back some and made us take half the time on the way back as it took on the way there. Here's Tavin experimenting with the trike at the playground. He was working with the steering element when pushing it himself, so that was encouraging, maybe he'll figure it out in the next few months.Here's big brother who was so patient and just kept saying, "Tavin, bet you can't catch me!" and riding around in circles as Tav and I putted around. Koen also said, "Grampa will love this!" so take note Grampa!It will be awhile before I take Tav on his tricycle to the playground. I'll let Doug handle the next outing. That little guy definitely needs a lesson in steering before we can use the trike regularly!

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