Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Koen Can Write!

Albeit an early declaration, technically it is absolutely true!

This morning Koen insisted on writing a card for his nursery school teacher, so I got out the supplies and we had craft time. I was doing dishes or something when he says, "L, L, L" over and over again like he is sounding it out. I look over and see that he is reviewing his own handiwork and "reading" it! I was so excited, he got super excited. It was so cute!
After the "L" I showed him how to do "T" as well. He did that about 20 times and then he proceeded to show me "U" and "V." I am so seriously impressed! I've noticed lately that he's been more interested in pointing out letters (he was super into this a year and a half ago or so when he first learned letters and I've never pushed from there as I know he will just learn in school or when he's ready and wants me to teach him and I don't want him to negatively associate learning with forced "fun" with Mom or something). Anyways, we've been talking more about the sounds of letters. I think they are doing that at school too, but I'm pretty sure they aren't working on writing letters yet. For the past month or two, Koen has also been pretend drawing letters (small squiqqly shapes), so maybe this is just the natural step-by-step development.
Anyways, it is really fun to see your child have major breakthroughs like this one. Our minds just amaze me, it is such a gift to watch one discover and unfold the mysteries of life. I can't wait to see where this "writing" goes!
PS - This afternoon he wanted to continue his craft project. He was drawing for awhile and then starts saying, "G, G, G." Yep, he had drawn a perfect "G"!!! That really impressed me because I feel like G is a lot tougher than L, T, U or V. He absolutely adores his nursery school teacher, "Mrs. G." so I'm sure that was some motivation for that capability discovery.

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