Sunday, November 21, 2010

Family Sunday

Doug was supposed to have today off for vacation, but the Pastor who was going to cover him at church got sick, so he had to go in for the morning. It turned out fine, we just adjusted our expectations and our plans and it worked out great.

Before church, Koen and Tavin and I played in the playroom. Koen got this idea in his head that he wanted to be Santa today. He picked out red socks, a red shirt and a red sweater. Then he wanted a beard. He tried to accomplish this by holding a piece of paper in his mouth, but that deteriorated and was really gross, so I encouraged a craft project opportunity. =) We cut a hole in a piece of paper and glued cotton balls on it. It was a huge success! After he was fully dressed up as Santa he wanted to bring us gifts. He wrapped things up in wipes at first. I quickly addressed that and suggested that he could use blankets as wrapping paper. He even got Tavin some gifts. Super cute!
Koen and Tavin and I rode with Aunt Abbie to church. I haven't really gotten any pictures of Ab and the boys, but let me just say that we are having a lot of fun having Aunt Abbie as a houseguest. Anyways, we all went to church together and then Aunt Abbie had her own plans and we then got to meet up for lunch with Uncle Nate and Aunt Megan and their new little baby Alex! I'm so mad at myself that I didn't get a picture of Alex or a picture of my boys with him, but we have plenty of days, months and years of life together ahead to make up for it, I'm sure. =)

This afternoon the boys took awesome, long naps. Before Tavin went down for his, I couldn't resist taking a few pictures of us. His eyes were so blue matching his baby blue shirt. So cute!
Doug and I both got some fresh air and chores done during the boys' naps. Then Doug got Koen up and took him out to wash and vacuum the car (this chore has been needed to be done for a year (literally, I remember asking Doug to do it before Tavin was born)). The boys had a blast getting it done.

Koen put the quarters in and then got right to work vacuuming. Doug said he was really good at it!

Koen came home super hungry and chowed down on his meal. He and Tavin had their baths and went to bed. Doug and I then took advantage of the treat that Aunt Abbie was at the house and we ran out for a quick dinner date. Ah, a perfect end to a nice family day.

1 comment:

  1. I just love the pic of Koen washing the car...super cute and funny! Can't wait to show Cooper after his nap!
