Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Through Tuesday

So, Monday I took no pictures.  Thankfully Koen was well enough to go to school, but poor Tav had to miss yet another day of beloved preschool due to his fever and terrible cough.  Unfortunately, Penn was no better either and was very out of it all day with fevers and congestion and a bit of a cough as well.  What a wreck we are!!  We did have some highlights amidst the snot and hacking though.  I had a very encouraging cabinet appointment and made headway on that major decision, so that was a good thing to check off the list!  I got lots of sweet, sick boy snuggles from Tav and Penn.  They took great naps too, which was a nice break after caring for them all morning (a bit on the needy side these days!).  Koen arrived home in fantastic spirits and he and I enjoyed some lovely one-on-one time before his brothers woke up.  Then for dinner we went to Megan, Sky & Marshall's house (and to throw in a load of laundry!  My how you appreciate your laundry room so much more when you don't have that convenience!).  I wish I had taken pictures at Megan & Sky's.  They were such gracious hosts and Marshall was adorable as usual.  But alas, Penn was super cranky and needed to be in my lap for most of the mealtime.  Oh well.  I got the boys home in the nick of time for bed and they all slept pretty well (Tav consistently wakes a few times due to major cough attacks).

Today was Tuesday.  For only the second time this school year I had to wake Koen up so he would have time to get ready and eat breakfast before the bus arrived.  Tav and Penn slept in a bit too, so it was a quiet, easy morning.  After getting them fed and dressed, we headed out for errands big and small.  Most notably we went granite shopping!!  Do you think it was too much to ask that two sick kids would enjoy tagging along on such an errand?  Well, turns out it was.  But they were troopers and the lady at the granite company was super understanding.  We managed to see everything in stock and get all our specs in for some estimates.  I decided not to drag the boys to a second granite company and instead we stopped to take advantage of the gorgeous, warm Fall weather at a park on the way home.  Of course, they perked up at the park and acted much more like their normal selves as you can see here...

After some fresh air, we returned home to get a few things done (well, me) and play (well, the boys) before nap.  Again Penn and Tav both slept all afternoon.  This is a doozy of a virus.  It just keeps knocking them out!  Koen was in good spirits when he got home, but once the little guys were up he got a big chip on his shoulder and was quite a challenge for the rest of the evening.  I wish I could get inside his mind and understand what he's thinking/going through because I just don't get the mood swings sometimes!  Thankfully we had a nice distraction in playtime outside with our neighbor friends for over an hour.  I tried to snap some pics, but the boys were having way too much fun running around to get a good one.  I'm so thankful for our friends.  Doing life with others is so much better than doing it alone!!  We got home after 6, so it was a sprint to get dinner ready in our haphazard temporary kitchen/dining room situation.  Once we got through that debacle, it was a dash through the bath and shower for the boys and off to bed.  Phew!

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