Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sunday Starts the Week

So today Doug left early for his workday, but also to fly off to Colorado for the week for a conference.  So that means today started a week where it's just me and the boys.  And can I just mention here that I was supposed to go on this trip to tag-along and get some just us time, but with the events of last week (you know kitchen setbacks, kids with the stomach bug, then getting sick myself and other various signs from above) we decided it just no longer could work.  Anyways, here's how I started this week with the boys.  First of all, we went to the 9am service.  Then after the service, Tav got to head home with Uncle Nate and Aunt Megan for a change of pace and to give me just two out of three boys at home for the remainder of the morning and afternoon.  Unfortunately, Tavin is still not 100% after getting hit hard earlier in the week.  Oddly though, this present issue seems completely different and comes in the form of a crazy, ugly, almost non-stop cough.  Poor guy!  He still wanted to go and Nate & Megan were gracious enough to still have him.  After church they went and fed ducks at a park in the North Side.
Meanwhile, Koen and Penn and I ran a few errands at the Waterfront and then had a little walk along the river there before grabbing some lunch.  I had to take some pics.  This one was a mistake though...too sunny, Mommy!
We found a shady spot and that worked much better!

We had a little gift card to Eat'n Park.  I'm pretty sure I haven't been to Eat'n Park since Koen was a year old.  It was definitely Penn's first trip.  He was enamored with the Smiley Cookie statue near the door.
We had breakfast for lunch and it was OK.  It was packed in there and hot and Penn was cranky.  I felt he was feverish and thankfully in a stellar mom moment realized I had Tylenol in my bag.  He perked up a little with his scrambled eggs, but was definitely a wreck by the time the check came.  Totally felt like a Mommy fail at this point with my ill kid out at a restaurant that was just taking way too long to get the job done!  Koen was a trooper though and sort of just took in all the hustle and bustle.  After we got home, Penn perked up for a few minutes of play and then headed to a long, hard nap.  Koen and I went into project mode.  I painted the old HVAC vent traps in the kitchen (I wish I took a before picture because they look so nice now...such a transformation from a can of spray paint!).  I think I might do the other few like this throughout the house tomorrow.  

Koen had an assignment for school.  I guess this week is Red Ribbon Week?  Apparently it's really about saying NO to substance abuse, but for the younger grades they more talk about making good choices in life.  There's a poster competition and Koen has not stopped talking about it since he found out about it.  This is what he (well, a little bit of we) came up with.  It was so cute talking with him about his plan.  He took this so seriously.  Good job, Koen. I hope you follow your own advice and make good choices in these practical ways your whole life!
After naptime/project-time, I got Koen and Penn out the door and off to Nate & Megan's to pick up Tav and join them for dinner.  Tav took a 2 hour nap there (yay, Tav!), but when we arrived a little before 5pm, Nate had the boys all out in the backyard, so we happily joined them there.  The boys had a blast in the perfect Fall evening together.

Around 5:45pm, we headed in for dinner. Megan made salad, garlic bread and spaghetti and meatballs.  Such a feast for us after the lame meals I've been managing to create at home without a kitchen.  Thank you, Megan, for your labor of love!  Koen LOVED her meatballs and said they were the best he ever had!  After dinner we headed back outside and Nate whipped up a fire and the boys got to have S'mores for dessert!  They were so excited.  You can also notice that while inside they totally raided the costumes and so we had quite an interesting crowd partaking in the S'more roast!
Penn and Andy had matching little camp chairs.  Too cute!
Despite his rough cough, Tav was a happy guy after a day with sweet friends ended with a sweet S'more treat.

Penn was a trooper all night.  He had fun despite the fact he has something like whatever it is that won't leave Tav alone.  
Thanks so much to Nate and Megan for caring for Tav and giving him a special day away and giving me the margin to spend some extra time with Koen this afternoon.  And I'm praying you don't get any of our germs.  I'm so sorry.  I had no idea we were such a mess when we headed out the door this morning with this plan!  

PS - Douglas has arrived in Colorado safely.  I definitely cried for about a half hour this morning about not getting away with him as the reality of it set in about the time he drove to the airport.  But I have to say I know this momma is needed at home this week.  Love you, baby.  I hope this week is rejuvenating for you, but I sure hope it goes quick and you are back before we know it!

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