Saturday, October 16, 2010

Divide & Conquer

So, after the stressful all-together outing yesterday, Doug and I took a different approach today. Doug took Koen on a bike ride to Highland Park while I stayed at home with my sweet Tavington Bear. It was a huge success! Tavin only slept 40 mins., but was happy for awhile when he woke up. During his nap I got a bunch of annoying jobs done around the house. After a run-through shower, I got Tavin from his bed. It was so sweet, he was trying to comfort himself back to sleep, he was awake but sucking his thumb and curled up. It took him a few minutes to even realize I was rubbing his back he was so deep in his moaning and thumb-sucking. The sweetest thing! Anyways, Tavin and I had a refreshing, beautiful walk to the library and Whole Foods. When we got back, Doug and Koen were back and Doug had to get ready to go to work. I got the boys fed and myself (ravishing as usual!) and then we played upstairs for a little while. Here are a few pictures of my boys playing. I think it is so fun that Tavin is now more independent because of the crawling. While I read Koen books before nap, Tavin completely entertained himself. In general, he does really well playing independently which is so nice!
Koen slept in until 9am this morning, I'm reaping the consequences now. He didn't go to sleep for nap. The whole toilet-trained thing is so frustrating with naptime/bedtime. I never know if I should take his extra requests to go to the bathroom seriously or not. Today I answered 2 bathroom requests, which I think ruined my chances of him relaxing down into a nap. Oh well. He's playing with his trains up there happily for now. Hopefully it lasts and he doesn't wake his brother up with his enthusiastic story-telling play.

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