Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tavin's First Day at the Beach!

Koen lovingly calls the coastline here in NH, "Gramma's Beach." My Mom loves the ocean. She grew up about a mile from it and it has been a major part of my life since I was a baby, so I love that it is part of my kids' lives now too. Going to the beach has always been a highlight of our visits here in NH since I started bringing Koen up at 2 and 1/2 months. We've gone in April with him before, we've gone in October (and still gotten in the water a little!).

Today was Tavin's first experience at "Gramma's Beach" and he did so well! He looked excited even when we were just pulling out of the driveway.
But he fell asleep quite quickly (although it turned out only to be a 10 minute catnap!).
It was mid-80's today at the ocean with a warm breeze and a mostly cloudy sky. Koen was thrilled to be there, moreso than ever. We were trying to get him over to the tide pool before the tide came up too far and he was just stopping every 3 feet to dig with his shovel and bucket.
Finally, we made it to the tide pool, which he did enjoy. We found a snail and Koen was so brave, he touched it!

Tavin spent most of the morning in the BabyBjorn and did really well despite only a 10 minute morning catnap in the car (he must have known we were on our way to such an exciting 1st!). He's such a trooper with being happy and smiley during these outings that are really geared more towards Koen's age.
Koen played in the waves a lot today with Aunt Abbie. We also got a chance to play in the waves. He was so brave despite the fact the water was 64 degrees (actually mild for the time of year here) and waves were crashing in at a fast pace with high tide coming on. I went to run in and cool off and he tried to follow me in! So, we played in the surf together instead. He doesn't understand the danger or power of the waves yet, so keeping a close eye and hand on him is a must!
Tavin did really well eating his lunch there and then he ran out of steam pretty quickly. I laid him in the stroller and he slept there on the breezy, warm beach for an hour. Perfect!
While Tavin napped, Koen and I had more time to play in the sand. We would build a "river system" and then the tide would come up and roll right through it. So, then Koen would want to make a whole new one (I was quite involved in the process of digging the river, so this was a tiring process). We did this 4 times!After Tavin woke up, we headed out (after 4 hours of playtime, yay!) and went and got ice cream at our favorite stop, The Beach Plum. Then we drove home. Koen was exhausted with no nap, so I let him watch a Thomas DVD when we got home. Grampa came in to watch it with him and totally zonked out. So cute!

Koen absolutely melted down tonight, but we expected that. I just have to keep reminding myself that the behavior will come as we consistently discipline, love and guide his heart. Plus, who wouldn't be super tired after playing in the waves, sand and sun all day??

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