Friday, August 6, 2010

Summer Days in NH

We have stayed around the house a lot with this visit to NH. With Tavin being so young and taking two great naps a day, it's just easier to keep our days simple. Koen stays busy with his adventures with Grampa, playtime with any adult at home and willing and some little trips out of the house (playground with Aunt Abbie or Gramma, the library, the Concord pool, etc.).

Koen is so 3 and so frustrating at times! I am so excited to get him some Daddy time when we all get back to the Burgh. Bedtime is especially tough as he is worn out by the end of the day here (especially the last two days as he has skipped his nap and just sings to himself and reads books to himself for hours). I can't wait to share bedtime with Douglas again. Tag teaming is so much nicer than doing it alone. Mom and Dad are more than happy to help, but when Koen is that worn out, he's not super interested in sharing bedtime with anyone but me. Ugh. Oh well. The sweet kisses and "goodnight, I love you"'s totally make up for the tiring routine.

Here are a few pictures of random happenings over the last few days...
Koen's favorite thing here in the yard to play with is Grampa's truck (one of the military vehicles mentioned in a previous post). He loves to pretend to drive in the cab as well as set everything up in the back. It was pretty humid and hot here for a few days and somehow he still talked Grampa into playtime in the truck. I'm glad it wasn't me. Grampa is such a good sport.
This is Koen and Grampa's pretend campsite they set up outside the truck. They collected the firewood that is on the stump. They even searched for sticks to pretend grill hot dogs over the pretend fire. So cute! (Very resourceful on Grampa's part - it got them out of the hot truck for awhile!).
This is Tavin's new thing. He smiles and tilts his head into his left shoulder. It is so cute! He is doing great here. He has adapted so well. I've been so impressed by his sleeping here. The last few mornings he wakes up between 6 and 7am, but then goes back to sleep and has to be woken up at 8am. The good NH air must really be tiring him out!
Koen has been quite busy here and therefore is often disinterested in long meals and lots of eating (which is so weird for him!). Last night we had corn on the cob and burgers though and he wolfed it down.
Representing the Red Sox while up here in New England. Tavin has been so easy going up here. He is just loving eating real food out of this funny mesh teether thing. He's just so cute, there was no real reason to take a picture, I just think he's adorable. I want him to stay in this phase for a year. What a blessing!
Koen has been very interested in the knives we've been using to cut food this week. Tonight he was set on having his own, so Mom got him a plastic one. Here he is desperately trying to successfully cut the pizza into bite-size pizza. It was an absolute massacre, but he was happy to be a big boy and was quite proud of himself. Finally he said, "there" and just picked up the mangled piece and ate it with his hands. Hilarious! Sometimes they just need to experience things on their own I guess...why fight it?
Well, that is a quick synopsis of our day to day here. Douglas, we miss you! XOXO

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