Thursday, August 12, 2010

Surprise Rainstorm

We are having a great day settling back into things here at home. I love days like today when Koen acts like himself and isn't constantly testing me. It reminds me of his real personality and what a joy it is to spend time with him.

Today was playgroup day. Tavin woke up early from his nap as I suspected he would as he slept in until after 8am this morning and wasn't super ready for his nap when I laid him down at 10am. We left the house a little after 11am. Koen was actually excited to go this time! Yay! I think a big part of that had to do with the fact I had the bright idea of letting him pack up his lunch stuff in his Thomas lunchbox (a puzzle originally came in it and usually resides in it). He was so proud of it. So cute!

Both Koen and Tavin did very well at playgroup. There was a quick shower in the first hour we were there, but it passed within a minute or two. Right as we were packing up to leave around 12:45pm, there was an absolute downpour. I had walked as usual, so we got completely soaked. I was so proud of Koen. He was fine about getting wet and I made a big deal about how fun it was (and I actually really did think it was kind of fun. It has been way too long since I've splashed in a puddle during a downpour).

We got home just as the rain was slowing to a stop and the sun was coming back out. I got the kids in the door, stripped Koen and wrapped in a blanket to watch a quick show while I fed Tavin. Then we all got dressed and finished our lunches in the kitchen. Not too bad for what could have been a disaster! Tavin even seemed like he might have enjoyed the refreshing walk home. =)

Here's a playgroup picture from before the downpour...

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