Friday, August 14, 2015

Lego Zip Line Challenge

By the end of Penn's naptime, Koen and Tavin are ready and raring to go.  On the other hand, Penn is just waking up and needs some time to chill and I have to feed Jansen.  So that combination often equals loud, raucous older brothers with an over-sensitive 3 year old and therefore LOTS of interruptions for Mommy while nursing the baby.  Ahhh!  So, the other day for this tough time, I came up with a great idea.  Wake up Penn and have him piddle around and play while the older brothers got a Lego challenge.  I told them I was going to make a zip line in the backyard and they had to create something with their Legos or Duplos that could hook onto it and carry a man for the ride.  Success!!  The challenge didn't take too long, but Jansen is a pretty efficient nurser at this point, so it got us through the toughest spot, then I set Jansen's high chair up on the porch to feed him his solids and the boys got to test their zip line vehicles.

Here's Koen's riding down (just takes a few seconds!).
Tav was all bummed and was really doubting himself that his would work.  Watch the pride and pleasure on his face when he discovers his creation works just great!
So, these tests only took a few moments, but the boys continued to use the zip line for the next 45 minutes.  Tav even went back upstairs to try his hand at building a vehicle for the zip line with Koen's small Legos and also had success with that one.  We will definitely be busting this out again.  I love simple activities that turn into so much fun (and a great way for the boys to be busy when I have my hands full!).

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