Tuesday, March 12, 2013

PR with PR, Part 4 (The End)

Well, we are now home, but we had a great final morning with our littlest guy in the tropical sun.  Puerto Rico was such a fun getaway.  I was nervous about several things going into it...Penn adapting, safety, health, Penn adapting, the boys at home, costs, Penn adapting, etc. The Lord completely provided for everything.  We were safe and healthy the whole time, as were the boys at home with Gramma and Grampa.  Penn just blew us away with his amazing attitude and ability to adapt the whole time.  And all our costs were totally accounted for in our frugal vacation budget.  God is so good, He covered everything.  Why do I lack faith and bother with worrying?  Thankfully I was able to be quite at peace as we arrived and began enjoying our stay and seeing how well Penn did and how great everything was going at home.  

Our flight home was no different.  It was trouble-free, safe and pretty easy.  Here's Penn playing happily at the beginning of the first flight.  
He was super excited about this piece of Tupperware.  Oh, what a good boy!
On both flights we were able to get re-seated in rows that had one empty seat, so we had the whole side row to ourselves which meant that we could more comfortably lay Penn down in his little bed.  And he was so tired after not taking an afternoon nap due to the timing of the flight departure that he conked out and slept from 6:20pm until right before we landed at 8:15pm.  Doug and I even got to watch a movie on Doug's iPad!  Talk about a good travel baby!  On the second flight Penn was VERY tired and went right to sleep after take-off and slept through the whole flight despite a very turbulent ride.
We got our bags in record time and were home by 12:20am.  Phew!  Long travel day and it always boggles my mind being in two very different places in the span of a day, but it felt great to be home.  We are definitely catching up today and Penn has finally let his guard down and has been quite cranky and out of sorts all day, but he deserves it after all he has put up with a big smile on his face.  I'm sure he'll be back to his non-stop toothy grin after a few days of recuperation.  Well, that's it for the "PR with PR" posts.  What a great trip.  We loved Puerto Rico and we loved sharing it with Penn Rye!


  1. Glad you guys had such a great time, Amy! And Penn does seem like the best traveler, ever! I am sure that is mostly due to your wonderful mothering skills-what a well adjusted little guy!

  2. It was such a great trip, and yes, Penn is Travel Baby. Thanks for your sweet comment. It was a lot of fun having him on the plane, etc. Everyone just ate him up!
