Wednesday, March 13, 2013

8 Month Comparison

As promised, here's a comparison post for you.  Here's Koen in the favorite outfit in Western Australia at 8 months...
And here's Tav in the same outfit at 8 months, just hanging at a park in the Burgh.
Finally, here's Penn Rye in Puerto Rico at 8 months in the same outfit.
So who do you think Penn looks like?  I see both his brothers in him, but I also feel like he has completely his own look about him.  My take away is that they are definitely brothers,  but they each seem to have their own look.  Penn definitely has the most hair!  He puts bald Koen and Tavin to shame!

1 comment:

  1. Seeing these comparisons they definitely look each their own. Penn stands out a bit more because of the eyes. You have a handsome crew!
