Monday, July 27, 2015

Monday Fun Day

Doug had the morning off, so he took the three oldest boys on a hike at Frick Park.  They had a lot of fun and went quite far.  Here's Doug's attempt at a group picture.  I guess the boys were fighting during the attempt, so he said, "say 'Poopy Pants'" and that got this look...
Not to mention that Tavin was getting bit by a mosquito during the picture, but he's smiling anyways.  Oh and thanks, Doug...I thought we were trying to keep the potty talk to a minimum?? =)

Cool pictures of some classic boy moments crossing a huge fallen tree.  Go boys!

After the hike, the boys swung by the Squirrel Hill library to stock up on books.  They love library visits and we hadn't been since we returned from Hilton Head, so they were thrilled.  Then the boys headed to meet Jansen and I who had walked to do some errands.  They met me because Koen was going to hang with me and Jansen doing errands on foot while Doug took Penn to his first dentist appointment and Tavin was going to be his helpful example.  Our plan came crashing down though when Penn absolutely lost it.  Thankfully I was close by still and came and switched with Doug.  Penn ended up doing fine (and Tavin was an adorable help encouraging him to be accommodating to the hygienist's requests).  Phew!  That was over.  Good job, Penn (sort of).

Doug had to go into work for the afternoon, and the boys and I had our regular afternoon at home.  In the late afternoon, early evening, I figured it was a good day for the sprinkler since it was 90 and humid.  Koen wasn't interested, but Penn and Tavin were totally in.  And by in, I mean in the mud.  They used the sprinkler water to turn their digging pit into a giant mud pie.  Boys will be boys!  Check out the muddy little men!

Well, that's the high points from today.  Monday was a fun day indeed!

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