Wednesday, July 1, 2015

A Little of This, A Little of That

Here's what we've been up to...

On Saturday, Doug and I had a lunch to go to, so Koen, Tavin and Penn were with one of our favorite babysitters, Angela.  She did a great job.  They even had the place sparkling clean for our arrival home (such a treat!).

Jansen was tuckered out from his fun lunchtime out and fell asleep on the way home.  He looks a little mad that he had to go with us, don't you think?
Saturday afternoon, we headed up to Deborah and Grant's place for a cookout and a farewell to their current home (they just bought a different place, thankfully still in the Burgh!).  There were 5 couples and 17 kids.  Years ago when they bought the place there were zero kids.  That's some pretty productive years amongst this group of friends!!  We did take a group picture, but I haven't received yet.  Here are a few pictures of just a few of the kids and adults celebrating this final party at their place.

On Sunday, Doug was preaching, so I got the boys to the 11am service so he could ride home with us.  Jansen was a little too loud to stay upstairs, so I hung out in the nursing moms room and listened to Doug's message there.  A friend was on the couch across from me and grabbed these photos of me entertaining Janse.  I share them because I love it when regular parts of my days with the boys get captured.  I don't want to forget these moments, so having pictures to remind me of them is much appreciated!

On Sunday afternoon, Angela again came over to babysit the three oldest boys because Doug and I (and Janse, my little tag-along) had a wedding to attend.  Angela sent us these amazing pictures of Penn that she just happened to snap when Penn crawled up to the counter and laid his head on his crossed arms.  Could he be any cuter?

Poor Janse wasn't a big fan of being at the wedding.  The night before he (and therefore I) had not slept well due to a cold.  The poor thing was a bit of a mess (and so sad since he's usually so happy-go-lucky).  He still managed some laughs and smiles for me.  I had to show this one off.
On Monday, we had a lovely start to the day.  We stuck around during Jansen's nap.  Tavin asked to do his stamp project that PopPop had left for him.  Koen asked if he could join in.  Tavin was so gracious and shared this special activity with Koen and Koen did a great job not taking over and just enjoying it with Tavin.  They each found things they could do in the process of the activity and made quite a team.  PopPop, you would be so proud!!!

After Jansen's nap, we went to Highland Park to meet some friends...namely, Penn and Tav's favorite, Ellie!  It was a busy time putting out fires with these four boys (feeding Janse, determining Penn's emotional requests, breaking up fights between Koen and Tavin, etc.), but I did get these fun pictures of the tire swing with Tav, Ellie and Nina.  Later Koen joined them.  And in one you can see Penn on a swing (he's such a loner, absolutely no interest in trying this activity!!).

In the afternoon, Doug took Koen and Tavin out and I enjoyed some peace and quiet.  Then when the little ones got up, we had a lovely time outside.  We started on the back porch, but with the rain decided the front porch was a better place to play because there was more room.  Here are some pictures of Penn blowing bubbles and Janse enjoying the activity while we were still out back.  Oh, I love simple things with the little ones!!

On Wednesday, we had a super busy day.  A playdate at the library in the morning, an errand to Target with all 4 boys (enough said) and then in the afternoon a favorite visitor came...Mrs. Reilly!  She came to help me with a sewing project (I don't have a sewing machine nor do I have much sewing experience!!).  The boys were totally intrigued.  Koen even got to help with the pedal.  He thought it was so cool!

Today (Wednesday), we finally started our summer tradition of meeting up with my friend, Adrianne, and her kids at Osceola Parklet on my carless day of the week.  The boys were so excited to see their friends again. Especially Koen...he just craves peer time (can't blame him since he's with younger siblings all day).  I got a few pictures of some of the buddies...

I, of course, had to take pictures of my littlest cutie in the baby swing.  I NEVER get tired of these swing pics.  Can you tell?  I think my blog in total probably holds 100 of them from over the years!  Ha!!

Janse was holding on so cute with his arms up like that, but he truly was enjoying it even though it looks like he's holding on for dear life, and these smiles prove it!!

Well, that about sums up the "norm" that's been going on so far this week!  Just a little of this and a little of that.  It's been great to settle into a new routine with Jansen's new 4 hour schedule and having the boys all here all week.  

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