Friday, July 10, 2015

First Food for Jansen

Each of these milestones that occurs is bittersweet.  This incredible and sweet time of infanthood goes WAY too fast in my opinion.  So each time Jansen accomplishes something new or moves on from an old routine I get excited and sad.  It's so hard!!  Talk about a mess of emotions.  This momma is all mixed up!  Well, today it was time for a new accomplishment...eating rice cereal for the first time.  And moving on from an old routine...relying solely on me for his nutrition.  Oh my goodness, I'm getting a lump in my throat as I type this!  It's hard to put it into words (especially when you are coming off of a few days of sole parenting and intense bouts of behavior from your oldest), but it's just hard to let go.  Each of these milestone moments takes me closer to moving out of this amazing stage of motherhood.  I just love the babies.  I didn't know it at first, but with each one I've come to love it more.  It's so hard to let go of.  I will never experience this gift again.  So, you can see why I couldn't resist praying for round 4.  But our house is full and our hearts are bursting with so much love that it's truly time to call it quits, but still, it's hard to gradually let it go.  So, ok, major downer of a start to a super cute post about an adorable baby testing out solid food for the first time.  Let's get to some video and photos to lighten the mood!
Here's the video of the first taste (Mom, don't judge that I yet again put way too much on the spoon!  How come I haven't gotten that down after 4 kids?)...
The follow-up photos...  First one looks like, "what was that?!"

Second one looks like, "you gave me that stuff??"

The first few bites he was very receptive and just stunned.  Then as we kept going he made some great grimaces.  Koen caught one confused look in this picture.
Well, I guess we are really doing this.  Jansen is eating rice cereal now (and therefore I'm up early pumping milk for it...ugh).  Jansen, don't grow up too fast.  This momma needs you to take it slow.  It's so hard to let go!  (And PS - your hairline is just adorable.)

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