Friday, June 27, 2014

Penn's 2nd Birthday

Yesterday, the 26th, was Penn's 2nd birthday!  Can you believe it has been 2 years??!!??  I can't.  Time just flies way too fast.  This baby has been such a blessing.  A calm in those stormy moments of older siblings fighting, being big boys, etc.  A joy in the cute giggles, toddler discoveries and sweet snuggles.  The one I can pray with about absolutely anything because he doesn't understand what it all means and at the same time, my little pal that understands so much of the ins and outs of our day.  I wish I could freeze time to soak up these precious months around this phase.  I just love it.  But it looks like the baby days are drawing to a close for Penn and he is more and more becoming a little boy.  

His second birthday was a simple day, but we made sure to tell Penn many a time that it was his birthday.  "You are two!"  He has a word for "two" and is working on getting those two fingers to stick up out of his hand alone.  It's pretty cute.

I started the day as usual, going up to get him around 8am.  I brought my camera of course and after his eyes adjusted to the light, he was all smiles.  Oh my Penn!
When I brought him down for breakfast, Koen and Tavin were all prepared to sing...
After the big brothers went off to Kidz Gig, Abbie and I went out to brunch at Coca Cafe in Lawrenceville with Penn.  Ab treated both Penn and I to birthday brunch.  It was lovely!  We sat alone outside and Penn got to roam in their cute, tiny patio garden the whole time.  It was perfect.  The food was amazing and enjoyed by all, including Penn, the birthday boy.  He especially liked the zucchini coconut chocolate chip bread and my prosciutto pesto omelet.  This kid has a pretty well-developed palette.
After our brunch, we took advantage of the gorgeous day and took a long walk from home to run some errands and then pick up Tav from Kidz Gig.  After we got home the boys enjoyed some playtime before nap and then Penn slept soundly after his birthday morning.  I was curious to see when he would wake up because I got the spontaneous idea that it would be fun to take the birthday boy and his bros to the pool for a swim and a picnic dinner.  Penn started squawking a little after 4pm, so we were out the door by 4:30pm and at the pool well before 5pm.  It was a blast in the pool (and loud and splashy as you might imagine) and all 3 boys loved it.  Abbie and I had a good time paddling around and watching them and I was thankful for her company.  We eventually got a little too cool and decided to dry off and eat.  While I got dinner ready, the boys relaxed in the sun.  (Oh my goodness, birthday boy is too cute!!).

The pool and picnic was great and got us home just in time to get ready for bed.  Tav hadn't napped and was exhausted, Koen was also quite taxed from the busy day and Penn was definitely on the down-swing, so it was an easy lay down.  About halfway through it though I realized that Penn never opened his cards or present, so we did a quick birthday moment before bed.  Penn received a card and gift at Nana & PopPop's over the weekend, but I had him read his card again.  
With Koen's help of course.
Then Penn opened the card from Gramma and Grampa.  I was so happy I got this picture of his classic "ooooh!" face.  He loved the diggers and dump truck on it!
Aunt Megan had dropped off a present for Penn earlier in the week and so here he is opening it.  He LOVES books, so it was great to get a new board book to add to our collection.  We read it last night and he loved it!
Well, that was our day.  Simple for sure, but special to me.  Each day with you is special, Penn Rye.  I'm so thankful for the blessing you are in my life and in our family.  You bring us so much joy.  I've loved these precious last two years and even though I'm sad to see you outgrowing the baby phase, I'm excited to see all that the Lord has for you as you grow into a little boy.  I love you, Penn Rye.

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