Friday, September 25, 2015

Amazing Day at Moraine

Koen & Tavin had school off today for Teacher In-Service or something like that, so since it is also Doug's day off, we decided we would take advantage of the perfect weather day and go to Moraine State Park for some family fun.  Doug has been using most of his days off since school started for work, so today felt like a total holiday, and we definitely made the most of it!  

First of all, we all slept in.  Doug and I usually get up at 6am.  Doug slept til 7am, I slept til 7:45am (unheard of!) and the first boy to rise was at 7:50am!  Amazing!  I had to wake Jansen a few minutes before 8am to feed him (but not before a picture of course).  
We were hoping to leave the house by 9:30am, but we didn't really care the exact time and we enjoyed a pancake breakfast and then a quick pack up and exit, but didn't make it out til after 10am.  We got to Moraine State Park about an hour later.  It was breezy and cool when we pulled up and the boys jumped on their bikes and I took Jansen on a short walk until it was time to feed him.  I was overwhelmed by the refreshing beauty of the perfect day, the natural surroundings and being together as a family (I totally cried happily on my little jaunt with Janse).

The boys finished their bike ride while I nursed Jansen.  I changed him on a picnic table and he was fascinated by his view above.  You're right, Janse, it's beautiful.
We walked down to the water and I got a great photo by accident.  I was trying to get a pic of us together and he grabbed my face just as I took the shot and I got this sweet picture.  I love it!  He brings me so much joy and I feel this photo captures it perfectly.
After the boys returned from the bike trail, we headed down to the beach.  Koen, Tav and Penn spent the next hour or so digging in the sand and enjoying the water lapping their toes.  I enjoyed the scene.  I just get so much joy from the boys having simple fun in the gorgeous creation we've been blessed with.

Next it was picnic time!  The boys had a blast rolling down the big, grassy hill in between bites of lunch.  Again, so happy to see them just loving being outdoors on a gorgeous day.
I went to take a picture of Tavin and Penn and Tav put his arm around Penn.  How sweet!
Jansen was such a trooper all day with the adventure on top of a short morning nap.  After his lunch he played on the picnic blanket and then in his little jumper chair thing and then as I got ready to take him on a nap-walk he hunt out with Doug (who was eating an apple).  Turns out, Jansen likes to eat apples the big-boy way.  How cute!!  Since he only has two bottom teeth, he can't get a big chunk off, but he loved the activity and the sweet proceeds!
I took Jansen on a long walk and he did indeed sleep.  Doug took the boys to the playground above the beach area and then they played baseball til I returned with the sleepy Janse.  We left around 3:15pm so we could home for me to feed Janse dinner.  So, we were there about 4 hours and it was glorious.  I loved it.  I was craving outdoor time, the weather has been so beautiful lately and my ability to take advantage of it has been limited.  This was such a wonderful day...our family together, being by the water and in the woods, my soul needed it.

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