Friday, April 3, 2015

Jansen's First Real Bath!!

Doug took the three older boys out this morning for a few hours.  That meant I finally had a chance to fit in a bath for Jansen.  Poor kid!  I haven't given him his usual every other day or so bath in days because there's just been too much going on with all the kids home, etc.  Anyways, just as I was going to give him a sponge bath, I had the bright idea that I should use this opportunity to try a real bath for Jansen.  He loved it!  When I initially set him into the tub he almost cried, but then he quickly rebounded and just laid there calm and curious about what he was experiencing.  

He was mostly motionless, but every once in awhile he would kick his feet around in the warm water.  It was so sweet that I had to take a picture of his little toes!
When I broke the calm and started scrubbing him down, the peace was over and he was mad!  I think I waited too long to start and he was overtired and exhausted.  Poor guy.  He had done so well!  I made the washing go as fast as I could and got him bundled up in his cute towel sack.  He wasn't into more photos though, so here's an aerial shot of him still upset.
After I got him dressed he fell asleep on my shoulder in about 30 seconds.  One tired baby after all that bathtime fun!

To compare the other boys at a similar age having their first baths (apparently around 2 months old is my sweet spot for starting this new activity), check the blog links...
Penn's (I think Jansen is going to look a lot like Penn, they look so similar!)
I didn't have the blog when Koen was an infant, so here are some pictures of him around 8-10 weeks (Jansen is currently 8 and 1/2 weeks) and in one of them he's in his towel after bathtime!

We've made some pretty cute bathing beauties!

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