Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Thank You, Gramma!

On Monday afternoon, my mom headed back home to NH.  Here's a final picture of Gramma with Jansen before she headed out to the airport, he didn't really cooperate with the picture-taking, but you can tell he's snuggly and comfy with his Gramma!
So, Mom, thank you.  Ok, tearing up as I type this.  Thank you for making each of these parental transitions that much easier with your hard-working, hands-on, helpful and loving presence in our home.  You've been here serving us each time we've brought a new child home and it's always made a world of difference as we learn how to change and adapt to our new family dynamic.  Specifically with this change from a family of 5 to 6, it was so helfpul to have you here giving Penn Rye lots of attention so that he didn't even notice that more of my time was taken up by Jansen these early days of Jansen's life.  Penn enjoyed his Gramma so much that he named her, "this mom."  Pretty special and I'm not surprised.  I love my mom and think she's the best, it's no wonder he felt like she was another mom available to him.  Gramma had lots of quality time with Koen and Tavin too.  But helpful childcare was not the only way she helped.  The whole 2 and 1/2 weeks she was here I never did laundry.  She did much of the housework too.  What an amazing gift that I could then focus on my new role as a mom of 4 boys, getting to know Jansen and his needs and of course, trying to stay on top of sleep!  Thank you, Mommy.  I'm so thankful too that I've been able to share these precious newborn weeks with you for each of our boys.  I can't say it enough...thank you, thank you, thank you.  I love you and miss you being here already.

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