Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Jansen's First Check-Up

Due to Jansen's healthy glow, normal weight loss within 10% of birth weight and good nursing skills already, we left the hospital on Friday with permission to wait to take him to the pediatrician until Monday morning for his first check-up.  Thankfully we only got more good news at the appointment...Jansen in just two days was already above birth weight!  He was born at 7lbs, 7oz and when we left the hospital he was at 7lbs, 1oz.  Well, on Monday morning he was 7lbs, 8oz.  I was so proud of him (and myself) and so thankful for a healthy little eater.  With it being gross flu season and Jansen is clearly growing well already, the doctor said we could wait to come back in until his 1 month birthday.  Yay!  Here's the picture I got of his first visit to the doctor.  He was very good and wasn't a crazy screamer, but I was busy snuggling him to keep him warm when he was all unclothed for the appointment, so couldn't capture that cuteness, but this mid-dressing pic isn't too shabby.
Good job growing, Jansen.  We are so thankful for your healthy start!!

1 comment:

  1. Jansen is really a healthy baby! And he’s adorable and looks much behaved on that picture. How is he now? I hope that he is growing up healthy and a happy baby. I would love to see how cute he looks by now. :-)

    Angela Gibbs @ Med Care Pediatric
