Tuesday, February 10, 2015

"I Get By with a Little Help from my Friends"

So I just had to write a post devoted to the amazing provision of care for our boys (and us too) by our friends during Jansen's arrival and the following two days in the hospital.  One of my big fears about the labor and delivery was what we would figure out concerning the boys.  We had friends waiting in the wings for the call or text for weeks, but I just didn't know how it would work out with who would be available and would they be able to come fast enough, etc.  Well, as usual, all that anxiety was wasted energy.  The Lord had a good and wonderful plan and we were blown away by the selfless care for our kids that occurred from Wednesday to Friday of last week.  Here's a brief summary with a few pictures from some of the caregivers.

Wednesday evening as I began to realize that this was indeed true labor (I'm always so clueless!!), we texted our friend, Taylor, to see if she could stay the night.  Then we texted our neighbor and friend, Jennifer, to see if she could perhaps come over to help finish up the lay down process with the big boys until Taylor could arrive after their bedtime.  Taylor answered the need for the overnight shift with a big yes and Jennifer was ready to come over any minute we texted that it was time for us to go to the hospital.  Perfect!  We had a plan to get out of the house before the baby was to be born (yes, I do indeed go pretty much that fast!).  The boys LOVED having Jennifer lay them down and it meant so much to Doug and I that she would drop everything in her own household to be here with them (she has two boys of her own).

During the laboring on Wednesday evening, Doug called my friend and mentor, Veronica, to see if she was free to watch Tavin and Penn on Thursday for the majority of the day.  Veronica is an awesome mom and grandmother and we had already discussed this possibility.  She also answered with a resounding yes.  Phew!  We had a plan!  Jennifer was even willing to come back in the early AM so that Taylor could go home before work to prep for the day in case for some reason Doug wasn't able to get home from the hospital and take Koen to the bus stop, etc.  Full coverage.  We were relieved and then able to focus better on the labor and delivery.

On Thursday, Doug was able to go home and pack Koen's lunch, feed him breakfast and get him on the bus.  Veronica arrived at 8:30am and did an awesome job with Tavin and Penn all the way to 3:30pm.  Doug then got home and get the boys through their afternoon/evening routine and then our friend and one of our favorite babysitters, Angela, came over to be with the boys and stay at the house until Taylor could come back again for the overnight shift.  Seriously, have you ever heard of such amazing friend support?

On Friday, Taylor was there to start the day with the boys (here's the happy Melder boys in Taylor's care at breakfast)
and then our mutual friend, Genna, came to join her from 9am-12pm.  Did I mention that Koen and Tavin had Friday off??  What are the odds?!!?!  Well, the Lord totally provided a super fun day through loving friends for all 3 boys.  They spent most of their morning doing craft time in preparation for the lovely welcome home things for Jansen (see Homecoming post).  Then they visited us at the hospital (see Big Bro post).  In the afternoon we had set up some playdates for Koen and Tavin.  Koen went to my friend Deborah's house to play with her son, Miles.  He was there from 12:15pm until 6pm.  Amazing help and such a much-needed outing for Koen.  Tavin got to go up to Jennifer's to play with her son, Perry.  They had a blast!  Here are the pictures I received from Jennifer that evening.  They look like they are going to bust with joy to spend the afternoon together, don't you think?
They had a little dance party.  Nice moves boys! 
They played with K'nex and made all sorts of creations.
Big hug goodbye.  These are such cute buddies!
Thanks so much to Perry and Jennifer for giving Tavin such a fun afternoon out of the house.  That's not all though, Miss Taylor held down the fort at home as Penn napped and then our babysitter friend, Angela, came back again to help through the evening hours with dinner and lay down which Doug came home to oversee as well.  Finally, the last helpers were the oh-so-looked-forward-to guests, Gramma and Grampa.  They got to finish off the duties with reading to the big boys before bed on Friday night so that Doug could give Angela a ride home and then pick up dinner for he and I before our discharge from the hospital.

So, there you have it...three days of an awesome community surrounding us and totally taking care of us and our kids' well-being.  We are so blessed.  Thank you to all our friends that carried us through those hectic three days!

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