Monday, February 9, 2015

Jansen's Hospital Wrap-Up & Homecoming & More...

It already seems like a dream that just a few days ago we were at the hospital enjoying the quiet, simplicity of healing and getting to know Jansen a little bit.  I have some more pictures to share of these precious moments to wrap-up our time there.

Friday was a less hectic day in the hospital.  Less interruptions from the hospital staff and less running around for Doug.  So, we took full advantage of snuggle time with Jansen and rest time for ourselves.  It was delightful.  I caught a few open eye pictures of Jansen.

Doug was craving some good hands-on time with his youngest son.  Jansen had a cranky time in the afternoon and so Doug comforted him in his arms.  So precious.  It's amazing reflecting on the transformation of Doug as a dad to a newborn since our first (and mine as a mom of a newborn too!).  He appreciates this sweet phase now and isn't freaked out by the cries and the unknown needs.  He just loves and loves and is such a helper, staying calm and available.  We were so happy to have these hospital days to love on Jansen two on one.
We had a few visitors during our hospital stay.  My mentor and friend, Veronica, came on Thursday (after spending the morning with Tav and Penn, but more on how the Lord provided childcare for two days later), then my dear friend, Deborah, came Thursday evening.  There was of course the visits from the boys, the second one including Taylor and Genna.  And then on Friday evening, only hours before we were discharged with Jansen, my parents finally arrived from snowy New England just in time to greet Jansen and I in the quiet, calm of the hospital (instead of in the chaos of our home).  It was perfect.  I was so grateful the Lord got them here safely and in time for this private meeting where we all cried and rejoiced over Jansen, Gramma and Grampa's fourth grandson.  

After our brief, but lovely little visit, Gramma and Grampa headed home to see their three other grandsons before bedtime (see pic of them waiting for them at the window...adorable!).
Then a little later on Doug returned with dinner for us at the hospital (we consider these moments like a date, so we make the most of it!).  Then it was time to prepare for Jansen's discharge.  We had to wait the full 48 hours (I think the hospital would've had us out that afternoon otherwise) because I tested positive for Strep B during my pregnancy and that means that they have to give you penicillin during labor and delivery as a precaution so that the bacteria doesn't pass on to the baby.  Well, with Jansen's fast arrival, they did give me the penicillin, but it was only in my system for 30 minutes or so before Jansen arrived, so they wanted to keep an eye on him since the medicine probably didn't have time to make a difference.  Thankfully he was perfectly healthy during our entire stay, so we were able to go home after the 48 hour watch period.  So, a little before 9pm we got Jansen all dressed for his 2 minute drive home. =)  Here's his little outfit.
Then his fuzzy snowsuit.
Finally, in the cozy car seat.  He wasn't a fan at first, but he wore himself out and fell asleep.
Discharge went smoothly and easily and we were once again back out in the brisk air.  I breathed it in and out and then completely fell apart.  I've done this every time upon our exit from the hospital with a new baby.  It's all so amazing and overwhelming...just days ago I was pregnant and now I'm taking this beautiful little person home.  This one is especially emotional as I know this is my last time going through this tremendous experience.  Part of it is relief that I survived another difficult and uncomfortable pregnancy and was able to have the strength to go through another natural delivery, not to mention getting a perfectly healthy baby out of it all.  But another part of it is a little bittersweet that I will never experience this again.  I mean, don't get me wrong...I'm totally on board with this being our last, but still it's been an amazing privilege to bring four boys into the world, a chapter hard to close (which is why we went for number four in the first place!).  Anyways, I had a good cry on the few block drive home and was happy to arrive after the boys were in bed so I could be on and off weepy in only the presence of Doug and my parents.  We were greeted by some evidence of the sweet brotherhood awaiting to welcome Jansen though.  Check out the sign and banner that the boys worked hard to make for Jansen earlier that day.

The next morning the boys were so excited to have Jansen in our home.  Even Penn knew what to expect.  I went up to say good morning to him and get him up and the first thing he said when I opened his door was, "Baby home?"  Yes, Penn, baby is finally home.  The boys had made cards the previous morning during craft time with Taylor and Genna.  Genna wrote Penn's out word for word for him.  So cute.
Here's Tavin's...
And here's Koen's creative card.  Front...
And inside...  (I just love what this says..."You are going to love it here!!"  Precious!)
Gramma and Grampa were prepared to help with the big boys (and oh did they), but they also loved getting their hands on Jansen that first day home.

All in all, the first full day home went very well.  We were so thankful for some mild weather which allowed my dad to get Koen and Tavin out of the house to play catch at the playground.  I'm just so relieved that Penn, especially, doesn't seemed phased or jealous that there's a new baby in the house.  He is so sweet with him already and very interested.  It definitely helps that Gramma and Grampa are around to give lots of extra attention too.  Tavin and Koen LOVE being big brothers and are just doing awesome accepting Jansen into the pack.  Unfortunately they are a little intense with each other right now at times, but that's to be expected.  You can see they are a little on edge at times, but they are really dealing very well with all this newness and change (and extra chaos as we navigate the new routine and also have more people in our house than usual).  

On Sunday, Doug worked (he had also worked the evening on Saturday) and was gone from 8am to 5pm, so it was a little more helter-skelter, but we did pretty well.  Thankfully Jansen had an amazing second night and I was feeling quite well-rested for the challenge of Doug being gone.  Jansen, on the other hand, was still sleepy.  He took a hard morning nap in the bouncer in the dining room amidst his brothers playing matchbox cars around him.  I love how newborns can sleep through anything!  Look how peaceful!
Grampa took Koen and Tavin to the 11am service, just before they left Grampa took some close-ups of a very wakeful Jansen.  Here he is giving me kisses (ok, so he's rooting, but I'll just pretend he's already giving his mommy kisses!).  Can't you tell I'm already in love!?!
In the afternoon, Grampa caught a few more open eye pictures.  
Jansen is super responsive to my voice, but he's not too sure about my face yet!
I managed to take a few pictures of a fun project Grampa had for Koen and Tavin.  He brought down some old balsa wood airplane models of my brother's that he reinforced for the journey so that he could show them to the boys.  

They were impressed and it inspired them to get out the glider set from PopPop and make some more balsa wood gliders themselves to take out to the playground and fly around.  Perfect!  Again, the temperature was mild, so Grampa was able to take Koen and Tavin out for an hour and a half to fly their gliders and play some catch.  What a gift in February!  Not to mention the gift of having Grampa here too.  He's so hands on with these boys.  And they love it!  On Monday, Grampa made sure to be out of bed in time to take Koen to the bus stop.  It totally made Koen's day (not to mention Koen was also surprised to find Grampa waiting at the bus stop upon his return from school).  Grampa also drove Tavin to and from preschool.  Tavin was so proud to have Grampa drop him off and pick him up.  And Doug and I were thankful for the help!  Doug spent most the morning with Penn Rye.  They ran a few grocery errands and spent a long time at the Squirrel Hill library.  They got tons of new books.  When the boys all got home they each enjoyed reading through the new material.  Here's Tavin enjoying yet another book about Abraham Lincoln with Grampa.
Today is Grampa's last day here, so we've all been soaking up our last moments with him this trip.  Here's Penn enjoying some reading time with him too.
We had a lovely family dinner together.  Jansen was even there (in the bouncer of course).  He looks like he's trying to block us all out!
Of course on his final night Grampa is getting his hands on Jansen as much as possible too.  Here are some sweet pictures of the two of them bonding.

Well, that's the sum up of the first days home for Jansen.  Thanks so much to Gramma and Grampa for being here to help us in this transition.  Grampa, you will really, really, really be missed.  Thanks for leaving Gramma with us though.  We definitely need some more time still to adjust to being a family of 6 and we are thankful for help on this journey!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I just caught up on all of your posts! You're doing A-MAZING as a mom of 4! Well done :) Sim had the same "Little Speedster" (turtle-themed) line of clothes! (Only, his were more tropical climate worthy) I wish we could grab a pic of them in their matching turtle clothes. :)
    I LOVED reading about you leaving the hospital, because I feel the EXACT same way every time I leave with a new baby. I get super emotional, and I wasn't sure anyone else understood, but you do! :)
