Thursday, April 4, 2013

AM On Foot

The little guys and I had a fun and different morning today.  First of all, it was Tavin's first day of speech therapy.  I'm not sure really what to call this.  Today I said it was an appointment at school, but that's pretty lame and not really a good description of what it is, so I'm still searching for something to call it that will appeal to him at his level.  Hmmm, any ideas are welcome.  His therapist's name is Rachel, so I'm thinking of just referring to it as his morning where he goes to see Miss Rachel at the school.  Anyways, he did so well with Rachel showing his sense of humor, his hammy side and his bright chattiness.  It was interesting to watch her work with him.  Here's a picture of Tav working on the iPad.  They flipped through different images and Tav was prompted to say different words and work on his pronunciation (one particular problem that is a goal to improve is putting the endings on his words).
Penn and I mostly just observed Tav from across the room and had a 30 minute long snuggle fest.  
So, Doug had dropped us off at Tavin's appointment, but then he needed the car for the day and so that left me with a stroller and my feet for a vehicle.  This is actually my preferred mode of transportation and with a forecast for sun and 50 degree weather, I was happy to be the "little engine that could."  We left the school and trotted through East Liberty stopping at two stores, then walked to Shadyside for a stop at another store, then we trekked back to East Liberty for a visit to the library (Tavin was so excited about this stop).  Penn took his morning nap in the stroller while we ran the early errands.  Such a cooperative little man!
Tavin, like I said, was most excited about getting to the library.  Here's my happy little book-lover.  Last time I went he said I didn't bring enough back for him, so we loaded up today.  (Note that that meant that I also hoofed it home with a stroller full of groceries, gear, two kids and yes, about 20 library books).  
Penn was pretty excited to be out of his winter gear and stroller straps, so he was pumped about the library too.  
Well, after the active morning full of fresh air we all had a very restful afternoon.  It's almost time for the boys to get up for the remainder of our day together.  I think we'll blow bubbles in the backyard to take advantage of the mild weather again.  Mornings like the one we had today get me so excited for the Spring we so deserve to come on strong now.  I can't wait to be out walking with my boys almost every day again!

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