Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Scientific, Pizzariffic Day

Today was just a GREAT day.  Days like these are such a blessing.  A glimpse of the potential in these boys, the things that maybe we are doing OK as parents and just the fun it is to be a loud, energetic, loving family of five.  So, why was it a great day?  Well, Doug was off, so that is always a win.  Then we had a laid back start and even spent some time all on the floor in the living room playing together (even Penn!).  Then as Penn was headed to his morning nap, Doug took Koen and Tavin off to the Carnegie Science Center.  I would've enjoyed going, but I was also excited about some time here to myself.  Doug, Koen and Tavin had a wonderful time taking advantage of all that the CSC and UPMC Sports Works have to offer.  Since I wasn't there, I'll just give you the photo and video tour I received via text from Doug all morning.  Here are the boys waiting for the doors to open.
And then I got a lot of pictures from their time in the Sports Works building.  Here's Koen catching some air.  He is so proud of himself that he is brave enough to do this.
The boys practiced some hockey moves.

And Koen catching some more air.  He loves to fly!
Tavin had fun too.  Here he is on a spinning device.  Look at those blue eyes!
Tavin and Koen got to race in the Sports Works.  I love this video!
Here's another video with quite a feat for Koen: his first experience on a climbing wall.  He loved it!  
Later the boys headed in to the Science Center and they were able to catch a "How to Make Fresh Mozzarella" demonstration at the Kitchen Theater.  The boys were very interested.  Hmmm, I wonder what's going to happen?
Well, turns out they needed a volunteer and in front of like 50 people Koen willingly went up in front and was a very cooperative helper.  Doug was so proud!  Doug said that when he sat down Tav said, "Good job, brother," and patted him on the back.
Tavin said his favorite part of the Science Center trip was tasting the cheese.  So funny.  He had a great morning, but was exhausted when he returned home.  Koen, on the other hand, was in a fantastic mood.  That was a good thing because he had a not-so-exciting appointment at Children's Hospital with the Ear, Nose & Throat specialist.  We were concerned his adenoids might need to be removed (and possibly tonsils too), but good news!...at this point they are recommending that we wait and see and hopefully he won't need to have that procedure!  Whew!  He and I then ran a few errands and then came home for some rest time.  After everyone's naps/rests, we headed out for a family dinner out.  It's been awhile since we've attempted this, but if tonight was any indication of the rewards to be reaped, we will be doing it more often!  All 3 boys were pleasant, had fantastic appetites and we just had a great time being together.  It was one of those experiences where I just come away with such a joyful heart.  This is what I always wanted. Being a mom...wiping faces and hands over a meal and a good laugh, losing my last crust to my 3 year old and my 9 month old chewing on the table when I wasn't looking, the 5 year old pretending to be our waiter and taking our orders...all of it...this is what I've always wanted.  I have so much to be thankful for in these little things it just illuminates the bigger picture, I AM SO BLESSED.  Here are the few pictures we got at dinner.

Lord, thank you so much for this very special day!

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