Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Zoo with the Crew - Nov 2015

After so many blog posts I've lost track of whether or not I've used certain blog post titles!  If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you know I'm big on rhyming and on alliteration.  "Zoo with the Crew" seems like it can't be my first time thinking of it!  Oh well!

On Friday, we spent a few hours at the zoo as a family.  It was a beautiful mild day and we just enjoyed being together and visiting one of our favorite spots in Pittsburgh with the boys.  We've made many a trip to the zoo (I think this might be Jansen's 5th or 6th already!), so I'll keep the text brief, but I did get a few pics to share.

Tav is into turning on the charm.  Can you tell?
Koen is more sensitive about photos now, but he did me the favor of jumping into one with Tav and Penn (note Tav is still frozen in his charming smile). 
Penn, checking out the leopard (he's up on the fallen tree). 
Had to have a picture of one of my favs (and Penn's)...the elephants. 
The gorilla's grumpy look was perfect.  He just seems to be thinking, "are you guys staring at me, or am I staring at you?" 
The new way they have the giraffes up so close is so amazing! 

I took Tav and Penn inside the aquarium to see the penguins (we had just read the "Curious George Goes to the Aquarium" book that morning, so this animal stop was a must). 
Joyful Jansen along for the family adventure as usual with a happy grin on his face and a good attitude. 

Well, that's about it.  It wasn't a super long visit, but that's what's great about a membership.  You can just drop in, see a few things and come back again and again (this sounds a bit like an advertisement).  See you again soon zoo!

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