Saturday, December 12, 2015

Christmas Tree Day 2015

Today we got our Christmas tree!!  The boys and I always look forward to this day (Doug not so much since he has to drag the thing in and then deal with the lights business).  We just love picking out the tree and then decorating it together (with "White Christmas" on in the background of course).  We were all anticipating the tree stuff, but first we did a few other things...

For one, I was up super duper early because of a coughing Penn Rye.  It allowed me to get most of my laundry folded that I had neglected to do the night before.  I had one load left to fold when it was time to get Jansen up for breakfast.  He didn't seem to mind.

With Janse and the other boys around I had to put the laundry on hold for a few hours (oh darn).  But after breakfast the boys were exhibiting so much energy Doug whisked them out to Blue Slide Park (allowing me time to finish laundry and about 10 other things while Jansen napped).  Here's a cute video I got of Penn and Tav going down the slide...
After the Blue Slide adventure, the boys came home to pick Jansen and I up to go grab our tree.  It was a pretty quick trip.  We always go to the same place in Morningside and it never disappoints.  They even recognize us now (although our brood keeps growing).  Annual picking out the tree pics below...

I just can't get enough of Jansen, so another picture to prove it.  After all, it's his first Christmas.  Gotta get the photos of these big events!
We headed home for lunch and the tree unloading/situating that tends to be Doug's nemesis (this year didn't disappoint).  After lunch, Jansen hung out in his jumper with a book.  He was pretending to read.  It was so darling.  I have photos and a video for you.

Once I got Janse  and Penn down for the naps (and after a last minute run for new Christmas lights since ours finally went kaput after 14 years) we got to decorating!  My little helpers are hilarious.  Don't tell them that I pretty much rearranged everything to my liking after they went to bed tonight! 

Janse has been taking some long afternoon naps lately.  When I went up to get him it was 5pm and already dark so he got to come down to the wonder of the sparkling, twinkling Christmas tree.  He was so happy and in awe.  Doug grabbed a few photos.  We can't get enough of Jansen and this sweet phase.

Well, that's about it.  I got a lot more done on the Christmas tree after the boys were in bed, but a few last finishing touches remain, so no picture of the final product just yet.  My favorite part of it all though is how much the boys enjoy doing it with me.  I hope that tradition continues for years and years to come.  

1 comment:

  1. Skimming through...glad I read this line: Don't tell them that I pretty much rearranged everything to my liking after they went to bed tonight!

    Hahaha! :D
