Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Jansen's 9 Month Appointment

The blog can be a little bit like a gray could hanging over my head sometimes.  I mean, just because I'm one of those people who can't stop something she's started and things get busy and I feel like I don't have time for it, etc. But it's nights like tonight when it pays off a little bit.  I went back into the blog to find the stats for the boys' 9 months appointments and laughed until I cried at the pictures I found (particularly of Tav hamming it up at his 9 month appt.!!).  In case you need a good laugh (or cry), just check the links...

Now for Jansen.  He's landing right around where his brother's did.  He's definitely my smallest baby, but not by much.  He weighed in at 17 lbs., 11 oz. (15th percentile) and was 28 inches long (31st percentile).  He was on the verge of naptime, so he was NOT hamming it up like his big bro Tav a few years ago.  But, he's still pretty cute (and perfectly healthy, praise the Lord).


  1. Isn't it funny how kids grow at different rates? Jonathan was 17lb 12oz's at 4 months! Love keeping up with your family Amy! I fizzled out on blogging but am impressed with your stamina!

    1. Thanks for your comment, Krissy! It is funny how different kids can be, but it also astounds me how close my boys are in their growth rates. I'm so glad you still enjoy the blog. I don't know how long I'll keep it up, but for now I'm glad I still have it going. =)

  2. Isn't it funny how kids grow at different rates? Jonathan was 17lb 12oz's at 4 months! Love keeping up with your family Amy! I fizzled out on blogging but am impressed with your stamina!
