Friday, November 6, 2015

Nashville in November, Part 1

This weekend Jansen and are traveling to Nashville!  There's a conference we are attending (well, I'm attending and he's in tow) on Saturday, but our dear friends, Chris and Molly and their three girls live in Nashville, so mostly, we are going to hang with them.  

We left on Thursday afternoon.  Jansen was a trooper of a traveler as usual.  He was slap happy on the first flight since he was overdue for a nap.  During our layover he napped the entire time as I paced the halls of our concourse.  Then he had another happy flight to our final destination.  Chris and his youngest, Reagan, picked us up at the airport and we got to their place in time for Jansen to go to bed nearly on time (well, Central Time it was on time).  Doug is on Daddy duty at home, which he was really looking forward to.  He and Penn had a lunchdate at Chick-fil-A, an errand to Aldi and then home for nap.  When the big boys got home from school he took them to a playground (it was 80!) and then out to pizza for dinner.
Then home for baths and bed.  I got this sweet goodnight picture...

This morning (Friday) went well both here in Nashville and home in Pittsburgh.  Doug is a great dad that he's able to jump in and handle getting the kids to school on occasions like this.  Looks like it was a success, they are ready to impress!

Jansen woke up early due to sharing a room with me probably and also the time change to Central, but he just chatted to himself and then went back to sleep and I eventually woke him at 8am (9am to his little tummy!).  Such a good little traveler.  The girls were all up and ready to see him (they had a brief meet and greet last night).  Amelia was doting on him and very interested.  Jansen wasn't nervous with her at all.  He loves kids because he's used to being surrounded by the boys at home.  It's probably made him feel more comfortable here more quickly!  Here's Jansen with his new pal, Amelia.
Later she read him a book while he jumped around for a bit in our traveling jumper thing.
Then, playing on the floor with Sadie and Reagan.  
It was a fun morning for me.  Just sitting around with the girls and Molly and my sweet babe.  Playing, snuggling.  Ahhhh...  Little jaunts with Jansen are fantastic.  A change of pace, a chance to savor this little guy in this stage, I'm just going to soak up these few days!  Not to mention, Molly and I have already had about 10 helpful, encouraging and interesting conversations.  What a blessing old friends are...good for my soul!

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