Monday, August 26, 2013

Soaking Up the Last of Summer

It's starting to hit us that summer is quickly coming to an end with school starting on Thursday this week and the cool nights reminding us that Fall is just around the corner.  We are trying to take advantage of the more flexible summer schedule and squeeze the most out of these last few days.

On Saturday morning Doug took the big guys over to Mellon Park while I stayed home during Penn's nap and enjoyed an opportunity to get stuff done around the house.  Koen and Doug biked there (Tav enjoyed a ride on the back of Doug's bike).  They had a little photo shoot for fun amidst climbing trees and finding the perfect stick (Tavin's favorite play pastime).
Some Daddy loves.

Then Tav and Koen had a photo opportunity and Tav totally tried to kiss Koen and big brother was just too cool.
Saturday night Doug took a little one-on-one BabyBjorn walk with Penn.  Penn was super happy to be "hanging" with his dad.  
On Sunday, Douglas had a huge workday leaving the house around 7am to preach at 4 services in Oakland (and not returning home until about 9:30pm).  This meant a big mommy and the boys day.  We went to the 9am service and kindly left the car for Doug to have to drive home later, so we walked back from Oakland to our neighborhoood.  We stopped for a few groceries at Aldi and I had packed toys and a picnic for the boys and I to enjoy at Baum Grove behind the store.  It was a big hit.  Tav was excited to be out of the stroller and play with his diggers, Penn was thrilled to eat, eat, eat and Koen was happy to be done scootering after the long walk.  We had a blast just enjoying the beautiful midday in the urban greenspace.  Definitely a new favorite simple spot.  Penn was just too cute to pass up on snapping his photo.  Here's a pensive look while he enjoys his corn (veggie course).
Penn takes forever to eat.  But I love this face time with my little man.  On this day we just shared the picnic blanket and watched the brothers play while Penn stuffed his face.
Penn, still eating 30 minutes later, and Koen and Tav happily (amazingly enough together!) playing in the background.
Oh how I love my happy, go lucky guy!
Looks like it's time to head home.  Penn's snuggling up on the picnic blanket.  Must almost be naptime (or perhaps Penn has just caught on how adorably cute this snuggle-festing is).
But wait, before we left...the boys found the stage area in Baum Grove.  Koen has seen people perform here and he figured he and Tav should put on some shows.  First, here's a wild rendition (and very repetitious) of "Oh, Happy Day!"
Next they sang their favorite Miss Kassi song (no prompting necessary, oh how they love to sing at the top of their lungs!).  Wait for the surprise.
Sunday sort of went downhill for me after the boys' nap/rest-times, so not worth posting on (oh the long pity party that would be).  But Monday was a great day for the most part.  The boys enjoyed the pool in the backyard for what will probably one of the last times.  I even got Penn in it.  He was alarmed at the water temp at first, so Koen jumped in to cheer him up.  It was so nice to see (as Koen has been quite a handful lately).  He made up a cute little puppet show with pool toys (voices and all).

Penn is thinking perhaps he can deal with the cool pool.
Oh my goodness, I love watching these two interact.
This was amidst kisses they were exchanging.  Penn is puckering.
Tav and Koen enjoyed a lunch outside (I didn't really want the dueling brothers inside anyways, better outside with the wild animals).
Penn ate inside.  He was just in a diaper and I just couldn't resist snapping a picture of his sweet face atop that bare baby chest.

After Tav's nap I got to take the big boys to the outdoor pool at the gym.  Unfortunately with all the wetness (and the fact we had a blast swimming around for over an hour) I didn't get any pictures of what is sure to be one of our last gym pool visits this summer.  But Doug did send me a few pictures of he and Penn as Doug was at home studying until the end of Penn's naptime.  Penn was super excited to see Daddy wake him up in the afternoon.  I hope he's this happy when I come in (although I'm usually accompanied by two loud and intense big bros).
They sent me another picture and it's just too cute not to share.  
Well, I guess we are up to date as of now.  I do hope the weather holds this week so we can soak up some more summer fun before Koen is off to school on Thursday.  I'm getting sad to bid goodbye to our super fun summer routine.

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