Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Penn's 1 Year Appointment (2 Months Late)

I just don't understand why doctor's offices can never schedule more than 3 months out.  Does anyone else get frustrated by this?  You then can't book appointments far in advance and then you have to actually remember (amidst the craziness that is a household with children) to call the office and schedule something.  Then when you do call they are booked pretty much until they can't schedule again.  Seriously?!?  Anyways, this was my plight in getting Penn's 1 year appointment on the books.  Well, it also included a frazzled mommy moment in which I put a phantom appointment for Penn on my calendar that did not exist (for July 9th), so I totally thought I had his 1 year appt. all set up.  That day we got in the van and everything and it finally struck me that it was odd the doctor's call service hadn't left me a voicemail about the upcoming appointment.  I called the office before we pulled away and low and behold there was no appointment.  Hmmm, perhaps with the 40 or so appointments Tavin's had in the last few months I got jumbled up and made up this one in my head for Penn.  Anyways, when I called to make a "for real" appointment, they didn't have anything with our doctor until today.  So, 14 months rather than 12 months it is.  Oh well.  Sorry, Penn.  I was actually a little glad because around 12 months Penn was not eating a lot (I have no concrete reason why) and I felt like he was losing some weight.  In the past month he has pretty much tripled the amount of solid food he eats (although I've also weaned him) and so I felt a little better putting him on the scales at this point.  We still didn't exactly impress the doctor as Penn is long and lean, but thankfully he is a healthy boy.  He weighed in at 19 lbs., 15 oz. (5th percentile) and 31 inches (60th percentile).  I, of course, checked K and T's baby books to compare.  It's a little tough since they had appointments at 12 months and 15 months, so here's the breakdown.  Anyway you look at it Penn is tall and thin.

Koen at 12 months: 21 lbs., 10 oz. (45th percentile), 29 and 1/2 in. (40th percentile)
Koen at 15 months: 23 lbs., 10 oz. (30th percentile), 32 and 1/3 in. (70th percentile)

Tavin at 12 months: 19 lbs., 9 oz. (15th percentile), 30 in. (60th percentile)
Tavin at 15 months: 21 lbs., 15 oz. (15th percentile), 31 and 1/4 in. (50th percentile)

And of course, pictures of Penn.  He was super sad about the whole thing today.  I think the big boys being there and not really making it seem like a calm atmosphere could have been part of the problem.  Picture 2 road runners stuck in a 6x6 foot cage for 30 minutes.  Yep, that's not really a "calming effect."  Oh yeah and Koen messed with my camera and so the setting is off and I didn't realize it.  Sorry about the fuzz.  It's his fault.  Here's my precious, innocent and nervous Penn.

Warming up a little now.  

Love you, Penn Rye.  Sorry about all the stats.  Please know you are JUST RIGHT in my book, I just love the numbers and the notes.  We are so thankful you are a thriving, healthy baby boy.  

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