Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A New Chapter

Many of you probably didn't even realize, but in addition to doing the Mommy thing, I've worked part-time for the company I used to work full-time for prior to becoming a mom. The company has always been so generous to allow me to work part-time and then after having Tavin I worked from home without even having to go to the office. It was a great situation. A lot of work for sure, but a blessing that I could be home with the boys while also making money to make ends meet. This summer Doug and I finally hit a point where I could quit my job and we set our sights on the date of October 1st for me to be done working. The company was again very understanding of my desire to just focus on being a mom for now. And I definitely needed it personally as there is almost no downtime in one's life when you work from home with no childcare. Most naptimes and after bedtimes were filled with laptop work. It worked well for years, but it was definitely time to move on. So, I have. As of this week, I am a full-fledged, full-time mom. I'm excited to start this new chapter for me and my family. We are thanking God for this opportunity (and thanks to Douglas for encouraging me and supporting me in this career move). Oh yes, and look at the lovely flowers my parents sent to help me celebrate my "retirement." Thanks, Mom and Dad!

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, congrats! That will be a fun and exciting and relaxing adjustment! Enjoy!
