Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Florida Again!

In an odd scheduling situation, Tavin and I actually went back to Florida for the second weekend in a row this past weekend. So fun! The reason for the trip was that my big brother, Phil, and his lovely wife, Leah, had their first child this summer, Eleanor, and I still hadn't met her. This weekend happened to work for both of our schedules (and Aunt Abbie came to meet Eleanor too!). Since I didn't have a computer with me, I'm doing a big (heavy on the pictures) catch-up post. Enjoy the ride, Tavin and I certainly did!

Tavin must think we weekly get on a plane and fly to Florida now. We boarded super early Friday AM, so when we arrived late morning in Florida Tavin was exhausted. He conked out in the back of Uncle Phil's pickup on our way back to his house from the airport. So precious! So exciting to finally meet Eleanor when we got back to Phil's. She looks like she's thinking, "now, who on earth are you?" Don't worry, you'll see that we bonded later on...After lunch and a nice long nap for Tavin, we decided to try a night out on the harborwalk at the Seafood Festival with the kiddos. It was a late night for Tavin since we didn't even leave until his bedtime, but it's kind of fun to do something different and out of the ordinary every once in awhile. These past 2 weekends I've been so impressed with how he just rolls with the punches. Here's a shot of the hectic festival.A pitstop along our walk through all the food vendors for Eleanor to have a bottle. Isn't Phil such a natural? I was so impressed. It's awesome to see your brother turn into a Daddy. Phil, you are great at it!And here's my little travel trooper being hilarious as he takes it all in - a little slap happy at this late hour for him.So on Saturday we took it slow in the morning. Here's Uncle Phil loving on his little one. Precious!Leah, Abbie and I took a walk with Tavin and Eleanor. After that Abbie, Tavin and I headed to the beach for an hour or so to play in the sand and the surf with beach bum, Tavin.You can't really see Tavin so well in this picture, but it's the only sister picture Ab and I took, so I had to include it. It was so great to be with one of my best friends all weekend and share Tavin with her and enjoy Eleanor with her as well all while catching up on life together. I love you, Ab!On Saturday afternoon/evening, Abbie and I got to babysit Eleanor so Phil and Leah could go on a date. We had so much fun bonding with Eleanor and we took lots of pictures. Here are a few favorites. She is such a doll and such a good baby. What a joy to hang out with her for a few hours!Both Tavin and Eleanor were exhausted that afternoon and took marathon naps. Tavin didn't wake up unitl almost 5:30pm and we had to wake up Eleanor around 6pm. Of course, I took the opportunity to snap a few asleep photos...so cute!It was fun having Tavin and Eleanor hang out that night as Ab and I handled the two "babies" on our own. Tavin really enjoyed Eleanor (after the first few times he got super jealous when I held her of course). Anytime we were in Phil & Leah's house he would walk in and say, "baby?"Here's Tavin checking out Eleanor's dinner. He wasn't quite sure about all the baby stuff, but he was definitely interested.After Tavin went to bed, Eleanor was still up, so she hung out in the Baby Bjorn while Ab and I made pizza.Eleanor did great that whole night. She took an awesome long nap until her mom and dad got home to feed her one last time and put her back to bed. Ab and I were quite proud of ourselves and also had a nice evening hanging out. We were happy the new parents had a night out to be adults also.

On Sunday for lunch we headed out to a cool development on the bay where there are lots of restaurants with outdoor eating and a great playground. Can you tell he was a little hungry and ready to get on the road? Not to mention he loved Uncle Phil's truck!Here we are on our noon-time adventure looking for a good spot to eat, of course we settled on pizza!Here's the sweet couple. It was so much fun to be with my brother and sister-in-law. I wish we lived within a few hours of each other instead of a few days away.And here's the cute family!Can you tell Tavin was a little cranky and hungry? Look how annoyed he looks!!Now look at him post-pizza. A happy camper again (a little messy too).After lunch he found a little fountain to play in. He just loves the water. Anytime he sees a lake, ocean, fountain or even bathtub he says, "bubble."Here's Phil wearing the Baby Bjorn in public for the first time. So cute!Here are the Gagnon siblings (and a hidden Eleanor). It was so great to be with my family. I'm so blessed that my brother and sister and I are still so close.Tavin enjoyed the playground. He, of course, picked this huge swing as the one he wanted to swing in.Then he wanted to do this ropes course that the playground creators had put right in the toddler area of the playground. I struggled to get through it in my flip-flops while trying to help Tavin through it. It was a disaster waiting to happen!You can see the sheer joy on my face that we made it to the other side! Tavin laughed the whole way, he thought it was hilarious!Tavin loved playing in between these windows and doors they had. A little bit of a peekaboo. He kept coming over to my window to have a chat or wave goodbye.This is our last picture from our trip to meet Eleanor. It's an apporpriate one. Tavin definitely got used to his baby cousin. He was sweet checking in on her, babbling to her, squeezing in her bumbo and playing with her baby cell phone. Here he is trying to lay next to her on the pillow helping her with some tummy time on the Boppy. Phil and Leah, thanks so much for hosting us. Abbie, it was so wonderful to be with my sister for a weekend. I have to give Tavin huge props for putting up with another fun weekend in the sun (that also included odd sleep schedules and lots of plane time). I can't wait until my next chance to see Eleanor. I miss her already!

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