Monday, October 12, 2015

Quick Catchup

I felt like I was playing catchup all last week after our Monday return from NH, so playing catchup on the blog is no surprise.  It was a pretty regular week, but definitely had some fun highlights to share.

On Wednesday, Tavin had a field trip with the Kindergarten and First Grade at his school.  They are doing an all-school unit about Bridges and Building and so they went downtown to check out some of Pittsburgh's iconic bridges.  Isn't Tav's class cute?

On Friday, it was the kickoff of the lecture series that Doug has prepared for the 2015-16 school year.  One of the lecturers was a friend from our college days, Anna Watson Carl.  She's a writer and chef, to name a few of her talents.  You can check out her blog here.  The lecture from her was on hospitality and the lecture from Gabe Lyons was about courage.  Two very applicable and thought-provoking subjects.  I have to say though, my favorite part of the evening was that we had the pleasure of going out to dinner later with Gabe, Anna and a bunch of old friends to catch up.  Here's a picture of Anna, our friend, Kelly, and myself.  We've been friends since our early day as freshman at Grove City College.  It's a little crazy to think it's been 17 years since the Fall we met!

On Saturday, I took the boys down to the Columbus Day Parade in Bloomfield.  It was a perfect Fall day and so nice to just enjoy being outside together.  At the parade we bumped into a bunch of neighbors and enjoyed playing at the playground afterwards.  Perfect!

On Sunday, the boys had another fun Columbus Day celebration to attend.  The replicas of the Nina and the Pinta from Columbus' journey to the New World were in Pittsburgh!  They can actually sail up the rivers.  Amazing!  It's actually super interesting to read about how the ships were built just as they were centuries ago.  Check out their website for all the facts!  Doug said the most astounding thing was how small the ships seemed.  He didn't even want to imagine crossing the rough seas in a ship that size!
Normally, Doug has to work on Sunday afternoon and evening, but due to some work commitments on both Friday and Saturday, he was able to have the afternoon and evening off.  A real treat for the rest of us!  I even got to take a quick walk on my own.  While I was gone, Doug got Penn up from his nap and then they got Janse up.  Look at the sweet pic of Janse looking up at his big bro, Penn!

We grilled out for dinner and then had some neighbors over for a fire.  Koen and Tavin love fire-making this year.  Tavin was so cautious and careful and pretty much silent the whole time as Doug let him use a poker stick in the fire.  He was so responsible and into it.  Koen also did very well and just focused on the fire the whole time.  Penn played with the little friends that came over, he's not a fan of fire yet!  Here's a picture of the boys taking it in.  Who says you can't have fun outside in the city??  We even star-gazed! =)

Well, we are up to date.  It's a good thing, because I gotta go.  The boys will be home from school momentarily!

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