Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Old Friends & New Friends

When I take the time to think about it, I am just overwhelmed by the friends the Lord has blessed us with.  Some we see every few days, others every few weeks, months or years.  But there are so many people who support us, encourage us, do life with us and are there for us.  We are richly blessed by the community both far and near that the Lord has given us.  

This week we've had some great opportunities to spend time with friends.  Here's a glimpse at a few...

On Monday morning we had a playdate with a bunch of young moms (I feel like I'm getting to be the "seasoned" mom, is that a nice way to say, "old?").  Penn had fun with his friend, Jay.  It was a costume party with Halloween around the corner.  Jay is Captain America.  Penn didn't want to keep his Olaf costume on long.  But Penn enjoyed playing Connect 4 with Captain America!

Jansen napped for most of the playdate, but he did get to play for a little bit at the end.  He is gaining confidence in groups as he is too interested in exploring to waste time crying the second I leave him to play on the floor.  He's a pretty cute in his sleeper (I brought his costume, but wasn't worth putting it on!).

When we got home, we had a fun lunchtime guest...my friend, Kelly.  We've been friends since college, but rarely get time together.  Jansen and Penn were such big fans of her.  It was really special since both of them can be a bit shy around new faces.  Penn gave lots of warm hugs (just like Olaf).  Jansen let Kell hold him for a long time.  Unheard of!

Today we had another guest for lunch, my friend, Bethany, and her two boys, Isaac and Will.  I meant to get a picture to share, but Bethany and I were chatting and the boys were playing and I totally forgot!  They change so much between visits that I wanted to get a shot of them all at this stage.  Penn really enjoyed hanging out with Will, who's about a year older than he is.  And since they were happy, Bethany and I got a lot of catching up done. =)

We are only two days into the week and look at all the love we've felt already through our friends.  Just a glimpse of how full our hearts are for the people the Lord has placed in our lives, it sure does make life just that much richer to share it with so many loved ones.

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