Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Aun Tabbie

That isn't a typo.  That's the term of endearment that the boys have given their Aunt Abbie.  The title and name just run together and it will probably always be...Aun Tabbie.  I love it.  Aunt Abbie would be too generic.  Aun Tabbie fits much more the purely genuine, special and unique person my sister, Abbie, is in the boys' lives.

The visit we had with Abbie was fantastic as usual.  Abbie was a huge help to me with Doug gone much of her stay here and we had many evenings of sister time after the boys were in bed (we can talk and laugh endlessly, it's wonderful).  It is always so great to see Abbie with the boys.  They love her so much.  And she is such a natural with each one of them.  As I mentioned a few days ago though, Ab and I were pretty excited that Doug was coming home on Sunday and we did indeed take advantage of Daddy being back on Monday and having the day off.  Ab and I were out of there!  After Penn's and Tav's speech therapy appointments, we ran errands, got lunch out and went shopping.  It was great!  While we were doing that, Doug had the three boys on a Lawrenceville adventure.  They started at Arsenal playground.  Look at this sweet pair!
After playing soccer, baseball and running around on the playground it was time for them to walk to lunch.  Unfortunately their planned location was closed, so they had to walk a little farther than planned, but where they ended up worked out great and included a visit from a friend, Mr. Chase, who lived closeby.  After lunch, Mr. Chase invited the boys over for ice cream for dessert.  So sweet!
As the boys were walking to catch the bus home before naptime, they ran into Miss Kassi randomly (I mean very randomly...Miss Kassi lives in Colorado and just happened to be in town for a wedding this past weekend, but we weren't able to see her and then as she was driving out of town she runs into the Melder boys!).  Look how happy the boys are with her!
After that huge morning the little guys had awesome naps and Koen and Doug relaxed while Abbie and I enjoyed the long afternoon out together.  When we got home it was almost time for dinner, so we jumped right into the family routine and then had a lovely final dinner before Abbie's Tuesday departure.

Today we had to say goodbye to Aun Tabbie, but first we had one more full, fun morning.  We left the house a little after 9am for an appointment on the North Side that Doug and I had to attend real quick and then by 10am we were at the Water Steps.  It was a perfect day for it as it was thickly humid and super hot, so standing in the cool water was just the way to pass the time playing with the boys.  I caught a few pictures.  Here are Penn and Tav on the walk in.
And then Aun Tabbie with the fam!

After our refreshing time at the Water Steps, we had to leave and get Ab to the airport. =(  We stopped for a quick and crazy lunch at Chick-fil-A and then it was on to bid Abbie fairwell.  So sad!  But I was so thankful for such a great visit filled with lots of quality time for me and the boys.   The boys were so sweet on the way home already talking about how much they missed her and wanted her to come back.  I know boys, I totally understand the feeling.

Abbie, thanks so much for leaving your sweet husband in Texas to come and spend a week with us, with me.  I loved every moment and am so thankful for that time with you (although it always leaves me wishing for more!).  Can't wait until I get to see you next.  Love you!

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