Saturday, February 13, 2016

Week in Review: Friends, Jansen, Nana and more!

This was a pretty regular week (well, minus the big Children's visit for Jansen on Tuesday).  I snapped a photo here or there, so I thought I would do a quick post to update.

Last Saturday we had a quick stopby visit by my friend, Taylor, and her son, Fitz. Fitz is exactly 6 months younger than Janse (although because of each of them recently having well check-ups, we know they are only an ounce apart in weight!).
That evening I caught a cute picture of Koen playing with Jansen (pretty much Koen's favorite thing to do).
Jansen pays close attention to his brothers playing.  He's been mocking their plane noises when he picks up a plane "zoom" and making the car noise "vroom" when playing with cars.  This week he started pushing cars around under his palm on the hardwood floor just like the brothers love to do (much to my chagrin and the fact we will definitely be refinishing these floors some day!).  Here are a few pictures of the littlest Melder "playing" car tracks with Penn.
I'm so excited I finally caught Jansen's "uh-oh" face!!
Thursday night Tav has swim lessons.  Doug texted me this photo.  It's too priceless not to share.  All the boys are such hard workers with their swim lessons.  It's so exciting and I'm so happy they are learning this important skill.  Looking good, Tav!
On Friday, Jansen and I took Penn to speech therapy.  Penn did an excellent job working on his words with Miss Christal. He is great at reproducing most sounds (and they are specifically working on final consonant sounds on words) in isolated words, but as his language increases and his sentences get longer his intelligibility is temporarily tanking.  I'm always so encouraged to hear him working with Miss Christal.  It reminds of the good progress and how it will all come together eventually.  Good job, Penn.  Here's Janse crawling around in the observation room.
After Miss Christal's we squeezed in a quick visit to the library before lunchtime.  Jansen loved it.  He is so active and on the go (and everything goes in his mouth).  Quite the pose here, Janse!
Friday afternoon to Saturday morning we had a lovely visit from Nana!  We had a fun Friday evening at home with her.  My favorite was family dinner, the boys did really well at the table and it was so nice to get to share that family time with Nana.  In the morning I remembered to get my camera out and get a few photos.  Here's the crew at breakfast (well, Koen is camera-shy, so he's hiding!)...
After breakfast, the boys were all over the place emotionally and physically, we eventually got them settled down in the living room with some Hot Wheels tracks and Koen and I played a game with Nana.  Phew!
Thanks for coming to visit Nana, it was a great way to end our week and start our long Presidents' Day weekend.  Come back soon!

Well, that's the week in a teeny, tiny nutshell.  It would be a novel to right out all the details and I just don't have time for that.  Lucky you, you get the abridged version via pictures. =)

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