Monday, February 22, 2016

Penn Rye Swims

Penn has been making great progress in the few weeks he's been in swim lessons.  He is probably a week away from graduating from the first class level, Minnow, to Turtle 1, where he will learn strokes.  Amazing!  He is bold and obedient with the instructor, but has struggled with being quite a baby while he sits and waits his turn.  It gives him a chance to turn and look at me and cry and say he wants to go home.  Then hilariously, it's like he flips a switch and he does exactly what the instructor says when it's his turn and does it with excellence and courage.  So bizarre!  But at least we are getting somewhere despite the tears!  Doug took him today and got a few videos of his latest skills.  The whole point of Minnow is that a child can jump in the water and on their own can navigate to floating on their backs and then float there for 10 seconds and do this skill repeatedly.  Penn did it completely on his own once today, so if he repeats it next week a few times, he's off to Turtle 1!  Great job, Penn.  You are amazing!

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