Thursday, February 4, 2016

Jansen is One

Oh my goodness, I cannot believe a year has already passed.  I treasured every moment with this sweet little babe and yet it still has passed too quickly.  I can't believe just a year ago I just met this little one who has changed my life forever for knowing his sweet joy and God's grace in our lives through him.  

Today was a simple, regular day, except for the fact my mind was spinning with emotion and memories of a year ago and all the days in between.  I have always taken pictures of the boys on their first birthday morning.  Here's sleepy Jansen as I sang him "Happy Birthday!"

Can't resist a comparison opportunity!!  Here are the other boys at their first birthday wake-ups starting with Koen...

Here's Tavin...

Oh my goodness, I'm so sad, I didn't do it for Penn I guess!!  But here are a few good pics of him from his birthday celebration.

Ok, so back to the Janse-man and his day (sorry, but comparison photos are just too much fun, especially since I think all 4 of mine look so unique!!).  We had our first low key morning since returning from Texas and we really needed that!!  Jansen took a great nap and I woke him up in time to pick up Penn from preschool.  Had to snap a mommy/son birthday shot of course.
Then we were off to lunch-on-the-go at Target.  Poor Jansen has an awful cold and barely has an appetite.  He's also not super psyched about the Target trip.  Sorry birthday boy!
We got through the errand fine and were hoeme in plenty of time for lunch.  Right after getting in the door though, Penn took a fall when he was being silly on the stairs and he bit down right through his tongue!  Blood was everwhere.  After we contained it, we had to snap a picture to prove the situation.  Poor Penn!  After that it was a round of Tylenol for the in-pain toddler and the sad, snotty one-year-old and off to nap!
Jansen slept all afternoon, his best afternoon nap since returning from Texas (I think it had more to do with the cold the last few days waking him with coughing and snot, poor kid!).  When the big boys arrived home from school they were dying for Janse to wake up so they could see the birthday baby, but we didn't end up getting him until 5pm!  After I nursed him, Koen and I had a little photo shoot with him since he was in good spirits.  I love this first one.  He's wondering what's going on here, love the cocked head!
The hand expression!
Here he's gazing up at Koen.  So sweet!  (And check out that huge curl over his left ear!)
 Ok, I think he's about done now!
 Just a few snuggle shots with Mommy first, then we're done...
After family dinner (which Jansen is slowly starting to join and being able to put off his full dinner feeding til our family dinnertime), we had our little family birthday party.  The boys had been asking for this all day.  They really, really wanted brownies and ice cream!  We sang to Jansen and he really had no idea what was going on, but he's such a good sport, he smiled of course.

Blowing out his candle was a joint effort (well, me blowing, Janse smiling).
I let him try brownie for the first time.  He had two tiny bites and that was it for him!
Janse opening his present from Uncle Nate and Aunt Megan (with a little help from me).
"We're Going on a Bear Hunt" was a big hit.  Janse immediately shoved it in his mouth.  Don't worry Uncle Nate and Aunt Megan, he'll love to read it too. =)
Janse got some loving cards too from Nana & PopPop, Gramma & Grampa and a homemade one from Tav (that he made weeks ago, so sweet!).
Well, that's it for pictures.  It was a simple day, but that's OK.  That's how I like it because it's in the simple days that I enjoy these boys, they make the day special and Janse is no exception.  Jansen Philip, I can't even properly express how much you mean to me.  You are such a blessing and although I cried a bit today to bid this precious year into the past, more than that bittersweetness is the overwhelming excitement of what's to come...watching you grow and flourish and become every day more the person you were meant to be.  I pray you will be the fulfillment of the meaning of your name, "God is gracious."  You certainly have been to us this year and I just hope that you only grow in grace and love and mostly that you learn to seek and follow the One who can fill you with those attributes.  I love you, Jansen.

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