Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas Eve, Christmas & More

My heart is a little sad just thinking about the fact that Christmas is already over, but I'm at the same time I'm so full of joy as I reflect on these great last few days.  The last post I did filled you in on our final days before Christmas and all the busyness and preparations.  Well, this post is all about the celebrations.  My favorite part, it just always goes too quick, but this year it did very much feel like long, lingering days and I'm so thankful for that.

Christmas Eve
On Christmas Eve, Doug headed to church early, so Mom, Dad, Aunt Abbie and I hung out with the kids until the 11am Christmas Eve service.  Ab had brought a little treat bag for each of them and had laid it out for them to open at breakfast.  Yay for Aunt Abbie!  (And thankfully it had no candy!)
After much loud, boisterous playing, we made it on time to church.  Just as we unloaded from the minivans in the church parking lot I realized I forgot to put the ham in the oven for our post-service lunch with friends.  Oops!!  Mom and Dad graciously offered to drive home real quick to save the day.  I was so thankful (for them and that we live only minutes away from the church!).  Phew, disaster averted.  The Christmas Eve service was lovely (I may be biased, but I did really love it).  The boys were up with us for worship and they got to play instruments throughout the singing.  The big boys were quiet and interested and Penn was hilarious sitting in a chair, shaking his bells and clapping and "ahhh-ing" after every song.  Adorable!  My heart was just bursting with joy looking at my boys and getting glimpses of their personalities and the men they will grow up to be.  Penn was a little hands on during the sermon and Tav went downstairs to play with his "buddies," but Koen was unbelievable.  He sat quietly with Gramma and Grampa the whole time watching his Daddy preach the gospel message.  Talk about a powerful picture to experience as a mother and wife.  Again, so thankful for this role I have to play and moments like these to see the Lord at work and gain some perspective.  After the service we all headed home for our lunch.  Uncle Nate, Aunt Megan and their boys Andy and Alex joined us for lunch.  It was a simple, but lovely time.  These friends are like family and so it just felt great to have the house full of loved ones.  Here's a few gathering around the table as we started lunch.
The boys had really enjoyed playing with each other before and after lunch, but right before Alex and Andy had to head home for their naps (and our little guys had to do the same), we had a quick present exchange.  Look at these boys!!  I just love that we all have little men!

After our friends left the little guys did indeed nap (and well!), Doug went to work and Dad and Abbie did their annual last-minute shopping trip for Mom (this has been going on for about a decade, it's ridiculous, but a fun tradition).  Mom and I had a relaxing afternoon when the cleanup was done and while Koen watched a DVD and rested.  Doug got home around 6:30pm after the 5pm service and Ab and Dad got home around 7:30pm.  So then we had a fun night of wrapping, watching Christmas movies and just enjoying being together.  So much excitement and anticipation!  I honestly think in our household there is still just as much excitement about Christmas Day in the adults as there is in the children (perhaps even more).

Christmas Day
My mom and dad would always get up before us on Christmas and turn the lights on, get the Christmas music going, prep breakfast, etc. and I now love being the first person to get up and do those things on Christmas morn.  It just seems magical with the quiet in the house, the lights twinkling, the thought of what the day will bring.  
I'm so thankful that yet again our boys did a great job sleeping as usual on Christmas morning.  Phew!  That's a good way to start Christmas Day, well rested!  Koen was up early, but didn't make a peep in his bed and so thankfully Tav got his usual morning sleep.  Then they did a great job doing their usual routine of staying in their room until 8am.  This year we started a new tradition...stockings.  Now, I meant to have them open the stocking gifts before breakfast, but I totally forgot.  Here's a quick shot of breakfast.  We had amazing gourmet French toast thanks to some amazing breads we received and Doug's clever breakfast creations.  All eyes were on Penn in this photo.  He can be quite entertaining!
We hadn't told the boys about the stockings, so it was a surprise.  They had seen them hanging empty all December and never asked about them having gifts in them.  I took them out to the hall (after breakfast, sorry boys!, next year I'll remember) to search for "a surprise."  Clearly they had no idea where to look...
With some very obvious hinting they finally found the treasure!
They brought the stockings in the kitchen and opened their simple, but fun little gifts at the table as the adults (and Penn) finished their meal.  Then after they got right to work playing with these little doo-dads.  You can see they liked the Pens hats and loved the cling-ons I grabbed from Target's One Spot.  It was the perfect way to keep them busy while we cleaned up for breakfast and got ready for the present-opening.

And in the final down moments before presents, Doug took the big boys aside and read through the Christmas story with YouVersion's new children's Bible App.  Thank you, baby, for making sure we got that in.  So far we've done the real, true Christmas story every Christmas for the boys and I feel it's important for us to keep that central and make sure we never lose sight of what the day is really about.  
On the fly we got a few pretty good pics under the Christmas tree, here are my kids.
And then here are all 4 kids, ha!  Just kidding, Ab, you are an amazing independent woman, but you know, still a little like a kid to mom and dad, all to end very soon as your wedding date so quickly approaches!
So, at 9:30am we finally started opening presents.  This is the Gagnon way of Christmas and Doug has come a long way to not minding this approach (taking it slow), but I gotta give the little guys credit that they never complained that it takes us so long to get into the gifts!  And here's the other thing about the Gagnon way.  Pretty much after each gift, we just dive into enjoying it.  There's try-ons, there's playtime, there's assembly.  It ends up taking awhile.  The boys all got one gift and then it was time to play cars on the floor.  Grampa graciously provided the tunnel.
Nana & PopPop sent a super fun surprise for the boys.  Our family loves pancakes and Nana & PopPop introduced us to a delicious whole wheat pancake/waffle mix, Kodiak Cakes, months ago.  They also knew that we've reintroduced our old waffle-maker that was on its last leg to make those for the boys too.  It was great to get a super spiffy waffle maker and corresponding huge box of mix for lots and lots of delicious breakfasts to come in this family!  Thanks, Nana & PopPop...big hit!
Doug had some Amazon credits and purchased some personal gifts to the boys.  He got Tav a Duplo car build-it set.  Look at all my boys...my dad, husband and three boys.  Christmas gift to me right there having everyone together.
Doug gave Penn a cool school bus that he can push around on the first floor.  Oh how he loves a good car chase with his older bros!
For Koen he got "Snap Circuits."  I was nervous this would be over Koen's head.  Turns out it was his favorite Christmas gift (even over Legos!).  My Dad was just the guy to have around to help him get the most out of it too and Koen loved working with him.  Koen loved this gift so much that he took an hour break from presents just to get a lot of work done on it.  Oh, I love this little mind!
While the boys were playing with a few of their gifts the adults took the chance to exchange a few gifts.  I had fun giving Ab a gift from her registry.  Although just your good ole mixer, it was meaningful to me because this was the appliance my brother bought for me and Doug the Christmas before our wedding (can you tell I love traditions?!).
Once the boys were ready for another gift, we decided to hand out the special ones from Gramma and Grampa.  Tavin opened a plush Clifford stuffed animal.  He was so overjoyed that he almost started to cry (he LOVES Clifford!).  Look how happy Gramma is at his reaction!
Look at his smile!  It's like it's his long lost friend.  So sweet!
For Penn I had given Mom the idea that Penn needed a snuggle buddy of his own as he just loves all his brothers stuffed animals and loveys.  Here we are opening...
The instant it was unwrapped, the thumb was in. He saw it was a puppy and it was his.
As soon as I let him out of my arms he just went down to the ground on puppy, sucking his thumb.  Oh...my...goodness...could he be any sweeter!?!?!

The rest of the morning whenever he saw the puppy he was subdued, chill and snuggly.  Here he is with Doug having a chill moment.  Oh I love this kid (and thanks for the perfect stuffed animal, Gramma and Grampa!).
Here's a shot with my biggest boy.  He was amazing this Christmas.  Patient, grateful, interested in others, sweet.  That was a Christmas blessing in and of itself!  I just felt like I was seeing a glimpse of what's to come in this boy who loves to think, loves to have a project, loves to give (just like his Dad) and loves being with his family.  Very special.
Uncle Phil and Aunt Leah as usual sent some last minute very fun gifts.  Here's Tav opening his cool dump truck.
Of course he had to immediately give Clifford a ride.
Koen got a new Lego set which he was super excited about (and built the next day...this kid should be a test-case for Lego).
Penn was excited about his present too (clearly), he got a Little People bathtub toy (the poor thing is playing with randomness in the bath we've had since Koen was his age!).  At this point too, Penn was just so excited about unwrapping things it was probably more than half the fun (and very entertaining for us!).
Phil and Leah had a great surprise for Mom and Dad...A Keurig!!  Good job, Phil.  You definitely surprised them!
A little while later (yep, more coffee breaks, a few gifts, some bathroom breaks, etc.), the boys opened some other gifts from Gramma and Grampa.  Tav was very excited to find Curious George under the wrapping paper.  
Koen got another Lego set that he was very interested in.  He was thrilled (although I know this isn't the best picture of either of the big boys to capture that true statement).
Penn got a new copy of "Goodnight Gorilla."  Koen got this when I had my baby shower and that copy was worn out and falling apart, but it's one of Penn's favorites.  He recognized it immediately!
Later in the morning Koen got another special gift from Gramma and Grampa...a watch.  Look at this big boy's face upon receiving this very grown-up present!  He loves it and has worn it every waking moment since!
Douglas had some special surprises up his sleeves too.  One of those included a surprise for my sister, Abbie and I.  He printed up this cute write-up and framed it and wrapped it to explain the surprise.  In summary, he sent us to NYC to see the show, Newsies (which our friend is the lead in).  Amazing!  Stay tuned for the post on that trip!
We finished up opening presents around 1pm and then had a snacky, yet hearty lunch.  Soon afterwards the little boys headed to naptime and Koen had a restful afternoon playing with his new things.  The adults bustled around at times relaxing, at other times busy with new presents, or just spending time together.  I kept quite busy reorganizing things and cleaning up from the morning (with mom's help) and then Doug and I worked on the special Christmas meal later in the afternoon.  At first I was apprehensive (ok, annoyed), that we were doing a big Christmas meal as I didn't want it to overwhelm the special day and make it too much work, but it turned out to be a great way to keep the specialness of the day going.  The house smelled so good all afternoon as the turkey cooked, Doug and I had fun working together on the side dishes and Abbie joined in on the gravy making with me towards the end.  I even got inspired and in the few minutes left before the little ones got up from nap I set the table and made Christmas place settings.

We had a lovely playtime and then dinnertime.  Last year I felt like Christmas was over after lunch, this year the merriment seemed to last all day.  Even after the boys went to bed that night we adults played Scattegories and watched "Elf" (both of those activities were laugh-out-loud funny!).  What a lovely family day together.  So thankful and already looking forward to Christmas 2014. =)

The Day After Christmas
The day after Christmas was full of exploring new toys, playing new games and more time just enjoying being together as an extended family.  We got a little bit of snow, which also turned into a fun activity.  Tavin and Doug headed out after breakfast to shovel.  I caught this almost artistic photo through the cling decoration on the window of the dynamic duo. 
Koen was too deep into his Snap Circuits to quit for shoveling, but eventually he took a break for some fresh air.
Later that morning Koen, Tav and Penn had some snuggle time while the big boys watched a quick DVD.  Penn loves to get up on the couch with them (and then he becomes a very wiggly distraction and eventually is asked to leave).

That's about it that I have logged on my camera.  Don't worry, there will be more blog posts to come soon!  Just know that our Christmas was fantastic and I'm bursting with gratefulness and so happy to have my parents, sister, husband and kids all under one roof.

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